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Friday, April 11, 2008

VOA TV Story on Roman Catholic Womenpriests in preparation for Pope Benedict's Visit

As Pope Benedict prepares to travel to the United States [arriving April 15th], he continues to uphold the church's long-standing tradition of not ordaining women as priests. Since July 2006, more than U.S. 20 women with the organization "Roman Catholic Womenpriests" have considered themselves ordained without church approval. VOA's Jeff Swicord reports on one woman in Sarasota, Florida, who says it is time for the church to openly accept women into the priesthood.

Bridget Mary Meehan (r)Bridget Mary Meehan
is one of 24 Roman Catholic women in the United States conducting mass in defiance of church doctrine... (hit link above for Voice of America story on Mary, Mother of Jesus House Church in Sarasota, Florida.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Roman Catholic Male Bishop Geoffrey Robinson Calls for End of Monarchy in the Church

Dear Friends of Renewal in the Roman Catholic Church,

We affirm Bishop Geoffrey Robinson's mission to renew the RC church. We also are delighted that when he addresses the issue of priesthood, he opens the door to Roman Catholic women as well as men who are called to priestly ministry.

It is a joy to welcome you, Bishop Robinson, a courageous, prophetic bishop from Australia to the United States. We rejoice in your support of women and men as equals and partners, rooted in the Gospel modelled by Jesus of Nazareth.

Bridget Mary Meehan


Bishop Geoffrey Robinson of Sydney, Australia, will keynote a two-day symposium May 16 and 17 at Philadelphia’s Temple University on “Rebuilding the Catholic Church.” Bishop Robinson is the first contemporary bishop in good standing to suggest revising the Church’s monarchical governance, an anti-Scriptural and anachronistic misuse of power. He does this, and much more, in a book that has electrified Australia. Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church, Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus, has just been published here in the U.S. by the Liturgical Press.

Bishop Robinson will speak in Temple’s Anderson Hall at 8 p.m. Friday May 16. Starting at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, he will audit and react to six other speakers who will offer variations on his themes for the rest of the day, followed by an audience Q. and A. ending at 5 p.m. His Philadelphia visit will be his first stop on a nine-city tour. Other stops: Washington DC, Boston, Fairfield, CT, Morristown, NJ, Manhasset, NY, Cleveland, Seattle, San Diego, and Los Angeles.

In Philadelphia, tickets for both days events, to be held at Temple University’s Anderson Hall, are $10 ($5 for students) and may be ordered on line at or by phoning 877-780-2722. Tickets can be picked up at the door at Anderson Hall. The conference web site is