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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : "Under Fire Women Religious Leaders Gather in New Orleans" article on NCR Online

"Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Mary Daniel Turner, long respected for her scholarship and thoughtful perspectives on religious life, said tensions between the Vatican and the women religious of America date back at least to the 1950s “when we [the congregations] began to see we shared a common vision. 'At the heart it is hard for Rome to understand us as moral agents in our own right.'”
It is my hope that the Leadership Conference of Women Relgious refuses to participate in their own oppression. How can anyone submit to a report that reflects an abuse of power that is not transparent and accountable to the people of God? Mother Clare's report goes directly to the Vatican. Neither the sisters, nor their leaders even sees it.
Sounds like a return to the Inquisition to me, Sisters. We need your prophetic voices to speak truth to power as you have so often done in your past history.
Bridget Mary Meehan

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : "A World of our Own:-It's time for a democratic church" link to video

Enjoy this youtube video of Pope Benedict and hierarchy in the Vatican. Be prepared, womenpriests make two cameo appearances!!!

Looks like Roman Catholic Womenpriests have cracked the clerical glass ceiling in the imagination of Catholics who seek renewal in our beloved faith community!
Bridget Mary Meehan

Monday, August 10, 2009

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : "Nunsense" article in by Frances Kissling

Nunsense by Frances Kissling

"While LCWR itself beats a moderate path and tries to stay out of trouble with the Vatican, the sisters who are members believe they can ask questions. Like why can't I be a priest? Shouldn't LGBT folks have civil rights and be able to get married? What would Jesus want of us in these areas of life?"

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : Homily by Roman Catholic Womenpriest- Judy Lee at Lamb of God Church in Estero, Florida

This is a live stream of the 9:00am Awesome Grace service from Lamb of God Church in Estero FL.
Roman Catholic Womanpriest: Judy Lee was the guest homilist.
Enjoy and be inspired!

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : "Louisville priest has chosen another path" Article in The Courier-Journal

Louisville priest has 'chosen another path'
By PETER SMITH - The Courier-Journal

LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- When he was a 25-year-old novice in a Roman Catholic religious order, Lawman Chibundi was assigned to work in the remote Kalahari Desert in Botswana, Africa, where his novice master advised: "Before you get there, remember - God is already there."
A decade later, Chibundi says he has been repeating that message to himself as he undergoes another, very different journey.

Roman Catholic Womenpriests : NCR Online Article by Janice Sevre-Duszynska

"Roy participated in my ordination Mass. He celebrated the Eucharist with me, the other women priests and the woman bishop who ordained me. He laid hands on me in blessing after I was ordained.

In his homily Roy said, "It is our conscience that compels us to be here today. How can we speak out against the injustice of our country's foreign policy in Latin America and Iraq if we are silent about the injustice of our church here at home?"