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Saturday, September 2, 2017

Remembering Tish Rawles ARCWP by Giulia Bianchi

1st Septembr 2017
My name is Giulia Bianchi and I'm a documentary photographer interested in feminism and spirituality. Since 2012 I'm working on a project about the forbidden priesthood of women in the roman catholic church. The easiest way to follow me is Instagram


The Women Priests Project would like to remember Tish Rawles with a video featuring some photos and a piece of the interview Giulia Bianchi did with her in 2015.
Tish passed away yesterday morning. 
She was a nun in Cincinnati that was excommunicated in 2015 and dismissed from the Sisters of the Precious Blood after admitting she was secretly ordained as a priest this spring.
Sr. Letitia “Tish” Rawles was ordained by ARCWP.
Please follow this link and watch the video in HD:


The Women Priests Project has been exhibited at Spazio 1929 in Lugano, Switzerland, opening 24th of May.

It has been part of the official program of La Nuit de l'Annèe at Les Rencontres d'Arles 2017 and is currently on tour through the world with the born The Same Tour by Slideluck Editorial.

Next stops:
- Derby @ Format Photo Festival
- Bombay India @ Just Another Festival
- Bari in Italy
- Milan in Italy
- New York @ ICP Museum
- Hamburg @ the Triennial of Photography
- Hong Kong @ Foto-Fèminas
It will also be displayed in 2018 at The Contemporary Art Ukrainian Institute of Chicago, USA.
I started working on the book dummy with a designer and we would like to finalize a dummy in the first half of 2018.
We need help with transcriptions of the long interviews I've done so far.
If you can help in any way, please rich out to or visit the support page of the website. 
Learning Program (in Italian) 
- the book Colonia Marina Fara about the abandonment of a fascist colony
- a print of Women Priests Project
Copyright © 2017 Women Priests Project, All rights reserved.

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Friday, September 1, 2017

Tish Rawles ARCWP died on August 31st, Graveside Service Today at 2 PM, Her Witness Continues to Inspire All

Rev. Tish Rawles ARCWP died peacefully at 6 am  on August 31st. Her green burial graveside service will be held today September 1st at 2pm, Preble Memory Garden, 3377 US 35 W. Alexandria OH (West of Dayton).

This week Tish was surrounded by the loving presence of her ARCWP sisters as they anointed her at a beautiful liturgy. 

Tish Rawles ARCWP

The Resurrection Community will include a short memorial service for Tish at  their Resurrection Liturgy in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

Our beloved Tish will be missed by all of us. We give thanks for her gentle, compassionate ministry to the elderly at her Assisted Living  Facility and  for her ministry in the Resurrection Community. 

Tish Rawles  ARCWP  prepares for first public Liturgy with Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP, See prayer poem by Janice below

I give thanks  for her courage in risking all, including her membership in her religious order,  to follow her call to serve  the people of God as a priest in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests. After her ordination became public, Sisterr Tish was  dismissed  from her beloved religious community.

We rejoice with you, our beloved Tish, as you join the communion of saints in the embrace of the Holy One and continue your advocacy for our renewed priestly ministry. Your witness will shine forever like the bright stars that sparkle in the night sky.

We love you Tish and will remember you  as we live Gospel equality now in prophetic obedience to the Gospel. 

Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP 

See article on Tish's story of courageous witness:

Happy Memories with Tish 

There are pictures of Tish at such happy times enjoying animals.  I found these pictures on Tish's Facebook.  

Her love for animals reminds me of the famous British Veterinarian, James Harriot's saying; All Creatures Great and Small, Our Beloved God Made them all.  

I found this picture of The Laurels of Mt. Vernon, OH, where Tish was.

 Also, here are the pictures that we took after we celebrated Eucharist with Tish.  Tish participated as a priest.  She held the patten and she held the cup with our assistance.

I found, this meme that reminds me of Tish's Green Burial today September 1st.  As you can see, it's from an Irish web site.  It reminds me of how we are all enveloped, encompassed, immersed and embraced in Trinitarian Love!  

Finally, here is an extra picture.  Michele and I went to a local Franciscan University in Sylvania, OH near where Sydney lives.  As you walk through the campus, you will find these bigger than life mosaics on the buildings.  Here is a Mosaic of St. Clare of Assisi. For your information, one of the things Clare is known for, is marching through Assisi, holding a monstrance, while Assisi was under Attack.  That is why Clare is often depicted carrying a monstrance.  Here is the picture.  At the bottom is says; Be filled with remarkable happiness and spiritual joy.  Perhaps, this is what Tish may want to say to us.

Thanks,  Karen Kerrigan ARCWP

Prayer Poem by Janice Sevre Duszynska ARCWP

Yes, we mourn you, Tish, our sister-priest.
I remember how you approached me 
with the idea of becoming a priest.. 
the strength of your message...
that first homily you gave in the park in Cincinnati, 
the tenderness and insight of your Units... you typed
when your fingers cooperated with your mind
How you loved to hang out with our community!
You moved through the nursing home
be-ing present to the folks there...
It didn't matter that your steps were slower.
(Alas, walker wheels don't spin fast)
Such presence at the Eucharistic table,
facility with the Word, 
your natural reverence in celebrating 
Christ with us! You made me smile tears, sister!
Filled with a gentle and accepting presence
how you loved being with our women priest community...

Sing your prayers again,
Tish, our sister-priest
in the Heavenly Realm 
of the Communion of Saints...
a much-needed melody of Earth peace.

Debra, Irene and Rosie have been as Diane says, "her angels." 

Heartfelt thanks to each of you. with love, Janice

My name is Giulia Bianchi and I'm a documentary photographer interested in feminism and spirituality. Since 2012 I'm working on a project about the forbidden priesthood of women in the roman catholic church. The easiest way to follow me is Instagram


The Women Priests Project would like to remember Tish Rawles with a video featuring some photos and a piece of the interview Giulia Bianchi did with her in 2015.
Tish passed away yesterday morning. 
She was a nun in Cincinnati that was excommunicated in 2015 and dismissed from the Sisters of the Precious Blood after admitting she was secretly ordained as a priest this spring.
Sr. Letitia “Tish” Rawles was ordained by ARCWP.
Please follow this link and watch the video in HD:

Elena Garcia ARCWP: Homily Starter for August 26th Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Liturgy, "Keys of the Kingdom"

Left: Deacon Elena Garcia ARCWP  and Katy Zatsick ARCWP, Co-Presiders at MMOJ Liturgy in Sarasota Florida
Matthew 16:13-20 is full of homily possibilities. But today I chose to consider Keys as food for thought. As a show of hands, how many of you have keys with you today? I expect if you don’t you must have a very good reason. You see, Keys are a sign of power. They allow us access to what is denied to others. They provide security, freedom and pure joy, all of which I feel when I unlock the door to my home and enter as I will.  I also feel the same when I use my car key to turn on the ignition and leave the garage to go to all kinds of wonderful places. Most of us have a car key, house keys and some of us have office keys.  And how important these keys are in our daily lives! And how frustrating it is when our hippocampus forgets to remind us to hang them on the key hook and now we are delayed from exiting our humble abodes because we can’t find them.  Keys are usually small and light weight. Yet they are capable of opening doors to castles as well as 18-wheelers that move tons of materials to destinations. And giving up possession of these key often causes anxiety and a sense of loss. When I retired from the Hillsborough school district I felt that sense of loss of team work with colleagues. When I answered a call to a different ministry I felt a sense of loss of power in handing in my keys to the parish chapel where I had been the sacristan for many years.  In my social work ministry to the handicapped and homebound I have encountered many patients who mourn the loss of freedom and power that was theirs while they were able to use keys to leave home at will and to drive themselves to destinations of their choice.  So, as you grasp those keys in your hands this week think of how powerful they are and how they impact on your daily life.

We often use the word “key” as a metaphor for many things in life.  These metaphorical keys are aids to success on our life journey with regards to our work, our relationships and our life goals. We may hear that the key to success at work, careers, marriage, parenting, arts, athletics, spiritual growth etc. is ……. In short, not knowing and using those metaphorical keys can result in messed up lives.

It is with this mood and these metaphors that I approach the gospel lesson today from the gospel of Matthew where Jesus talks to us about the keys of the kingdom. What are the keys to the kingdom? I learned that the answer to that question has caused endless debate and interpretations. I’ll share with you one such interpretation gleaned from the work of Edward F. Marquart. “I will give you.” Catholic tradition has taught that the “you” meant only Peter.  Protestants, such as Lutherans, emphasize that the church has been given the power of the keys.   If you listen carefully the word “keys” is a plural word. Aha! There is more than one key. So within the kingdom there are two keys. And whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.

What does granting forgiveness and withholding forgiveness mean in our daily lives as the church? We know that forgiveness is letting go of our own sins and those sins and imperfections of our spouse, our kids, our friends, our neighbors, our fellow community members and so on and so forth. Everyone in this world is sinful and imperfect, including yourself and myself, and we cannot live with people peacefully without forgiveness. Therefore, just as we use the key to our house and car several times a day, so also we need to use this key of forgiveness often, daily, endlessly and infinitely.

The second key is more difficult.  Now my quandary was remembering that I am not to be judgmental but to forgive seventy times seven or infinitely. I have come to understand that this is an expression of “tough love.” We and others need to see the consequences of our sins. How often in life have we been enablers by granting forgiveness, tolerance and acceptance too soon? The Scriptures clearly connect repentance and forgiveness.

The keys Jesus promises us are meant to unlock the world’s longing for celebration and liberation. They were never meant to keep undesirables out or to rid God’s realm of the unworthy. Peter and the Church opens the door of faith to the world and it is our duty as Christians to keep that door wide open to the entire world. We have the keys to do that but we need to figure out what to do with these keys. What doors to open and what windows to unlock. And, we must continue to assure that they are open to everyone and not just to people like us.

Jesus is outside the dogma of neat religious minds. He is free and we are truly free when we allow Jesus to be free. If we cage Jesus we then imprison ourselves.  Categorize Jesus and we find ourselves in another pigeonhole.

In searching for quotes with the word “key” I found this by Joyce Meyer:

“Many people feel so pressured by the expectations of others that it causes them to be frustrated, miserable and confused about what they should do. But there is a way to live a simple, joy-filled, peaceful life, and the key is learning how to be led by the Holy Spirit, not the traditions or expectations of man.”

Reflection Questions
What are some of the metaphorical keys that have made a difference in your life?

How do you feel about exercising both keys to the kingdom?
–to grant forgiveness
–to withhold forgiveness

Do you believe that Jesus meant us as a church when he said “You”?
