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Saturday, October 10, 2020

Upper Room Inclusive Catholic Community - Liturgy for October 11, 2020 - Presiders: Phillis Isabella Sheppard and Mary Theresa Streck and Joan Chesterfield

Photo by Dulcey Lima on Unsplash

Welcome- Mary Theresa: Welcome to the Upper Room’s Liturgy in observance of Indigenous People’s Weekend. Our theme is “See No Stranger.”

Since the beginning of the European conquest of the Americas, White supremacy and Christian supremacy have caused great hardship and unspeakable atrocities against Indigenous People and People of Color.  

When the conquerors no longer “saw the faces in front of them as equal, they could call people strangers on their own land, savage to the touch, ripe for conversion: They could enslave them, pillage their resources, and build an empire on their soil in the name of God and country.” (Valerie Kaur) 

Valerie Kaur, a Sikh American civil rights activist, award-winning filmmaker, lawyer, faith leader, and founder of the Revolutionary Love Project invites us to imagine a different story. She says,

“What if first contact in the Americas had been marked not by violence but by wonder? If the first Europeans who arrived here had looked into the faces of the indigenous people they met and thought not savage, but sister and brother, it would have been difficult, perhaps impossible, to mount operations of enslavement, theft, rape, and domination. Such operations depend on the lie that some people are subhuman. If they saw them as equals instead, might they have sat down and negotiated a shared future? Imagine institutions on this soil built on the premise of equality rather than white supremacy. Imagine the forms of community that might have emerged, and how that would have evolved through generations.” 

In our first reading, Valerie Kaur invites us to create a new way forward and to labor for justice through revolutionary love.

Please join in our opening song: “Would you Harbor Me?” Sung by the Three Altos

Opening Prayer - Phillis:  

Loving God,

You have formed us in communities

by communities

for communities

Let your Love open our hearts, guide our steps, and

Light our path

so that Your Love in us

repairs all manner of injustice,

offers solace to those who grieve

and stands with those who suffer. Amen.


First Reading: 

Valarie Kaur Invites Us to Labor for Justice in Revolutionary Love (play segment beginning at: 4:05)

These are the inspired words of Valerie Kaur, spiritual teacher and activist, and we affirm them by saying, Amen.

Alleluia: Deb

Gospel – Joan Pesce: 

A Reading from the Gospel of Matthew (adapted from MT 34-40)

The Holy One says, “Come my beloved and take your place in the kin-dom. 

It’s been ready for you since the world’s foundation. And here’s why: I was hungry and you fed me, I was thirsty and you gave me a drink, I was homeless and you gave me a room, I was shivering and you gave me clothes, I was sick and you stopped to visit, I was in prison and you came to me.

Whenever you did one of these things to someone overlooked or ignored or marginalized, that was me—you did it to me.”

These words are adapted from the Gospel of Matthew, and we affirm them by saying, Amen.

Brief Pause for reflection

Shared Homily - Phillis Isabella Sheppard

Where is the Love?

In a time of Suffering, Grief, and Injustice

The womanist theologian, M. Shawn Copeland describes suffering as “Suffering, always means pain, disruption, separation and incompleteness. It can . . . push us to the borders of hopelessness and despair . . . can maim, wither and cripple the heart.... I understand suffering as the disturbance of our inner tranquility caused by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual forces . . .”  When this kind of suffering is inflicted, love is inhibited.

How are we to be love, in love, for love?  It seems we have to cultivate a disposition toward love. Love is a spiritual path embodied not in solitary reverie and contemplation, but in the messiness of community and struggle; the kind of messiness that makes us remember that Roberta Flack song “Where is the love that you promised that would be mine until the end of time?” Yes, opening ourselves to Love can expose us to heart break, and disappointment in ourselves and others.  Love is risky business.  We do not seek to be Love alone.  Love cannot be fostered in a vacuum for internal self-gratification.  Love has a purpose, aim, and context. 

Love forms our imagination, sharpens our sight, and directs our feet:  We need to see that at the borders of this country, children and families live a terror induced nightmare; we need to see that Black and Brown bodies are used for target practice, and those unhoused and in unsafe homes flit about seeking crevices of sanctuary. There are some of us who call this place sacred ground?  Where is the Love?  How is the Love lived?

Leviticus 19:33-34 gives us two directives: do no wrong toward the stranger and love the stranger. 

In her essay on love and violence, womanist ethicist Emilie M. Townes writes “love is one more piece to the fabric of the universe, … one more sign that the Emmaus Road is not the end of the journey but it is the beginning. …” Love is only the beginning.  Love is/is to be the impulse running through us.  Love is not limited by the immediate, the past, or the imagined future; this Love is the thread that connects us, across time, space, oceans, and cosmologies. Love links our lives to people across the globe—if we allow Love to shake us up and surge like a tsunami—turning wrongs right side up. Love dismantles, repairs and builds.

To take love seriously requires us to acquire, through practice, a disposition of Love and to position ourselves so that we are prepared, but not rigid; nimble, but surefooted—about why we exist in the world in this time and place. Love requires us to imagine a new way of being and to reach into the dirt and clay to create without knowing all that Love will yield. We Love in community, in relationship with God, and one another. 

This imagining is not just about producing a new idea, though this is good; but we seek the new that evolves in action, over time, and in the spontaneous and disruptive.  

Love requires us to listen beneath the surface.  Beyond the obvious. Beyond what we already know. Beyond the boundaries of here and what we think is the other side.  This path requires us to move into liminal spaces where we become Love.  

What are your thoughts?

Statement of Faith

Mary Theresa: Please join in praying our statement of faith

We believe in the Holy One, a divine mystery

beyond all definition and rational understanding,
the heart of all that has ever existed,
that exists now, or that ever will exist.

We believe in Jesus, messenger of the Divine Word,
bringer of healing, heart of Divine compassion,
bright star in the firmament of the Holy One's
prophets, mystics, and saints.

 We believe that We are called to follow Jesus
as a vehicle of divine love,
a source of wisdom and truth,
and an instrument of peace in the world.

We believe in the Spirit of the Holy One,
the life that is our innermost life,
the breath moving in our being,
the depth living in each of us.

We believe that the Divine kin-dom is here and now,
stretched out all around us for those
with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it,
and hands to make it happen.


Mary Theresa: As we prepare for the sacred meal, we bring to this gathering our blessings, cares and concerns. 

Denise reads intentions

(at conclusion)  We pray for these and all unspoken intentions. Amen.

Phillis:  O Holy One, you have been called by many names by many people in the centuries of our planet’s life. Yet, no name truly defines you or describes you.  We celebrate you as the marvelous, loving energy of life who caused us and our world to be. We celebrate you as the Source of light and life and love, and we celebrate your presence and all-ways care.

Mary Theresa: With open hands and open hearts, let us pray together our Eucharistic prayer:  

Joan: Source of Love and Light, we join in unity of Spirit, love and purpose with Your people everywhere and with those who have gone before us. With all of creation across billions of galaxies, we open our hearts and souls to become One.

Mary Theresa: In your loving embrace we are liberated from division, fear, conflict, pride and injustice. We are transformed into wholeness which we resolve to bring to all whose lives we touch. With gratitude, we meld ourselves into Your Divine Presence which knows all, shelters all, and transforms all into love, abundant and eternal and in one voice, we sing:

Here In This Place  by Christopher Grundy

Phillis: We thank you, Holy One, for Jesus, a man of courage whose exquisite balance of human and divine points our way and who strives with us in our time of need. We yearn with passion to live as Jesus, one with you and your Spirit, in peace and justice.

Joan: We seek to heal the differences that isolate us so that we may live in unity with all people, of every ethnicity, skin color, gender orientation or class. May we have the imaginative sympathy and love of Your Spirit to move with courage beyond the confines of bias, miscommunication, ignorance and hurt and into the healing place where Divine light and love abide.

Mary Theresa:  Please extend your hands in blessing the bread and wine.

Holy One, we celebrate and recognize you in this bread and wine and we recognize you in each other. 

Phillis: Knowing that Jesus spent his time with the lowly and hurting, the needy and shunned, we seek to remain open to how we can bring love, healing and unity to those in need. We ask for the grace to see with the eyes of Jesus, touch with the hands of Jesus and heal with the heart of Jesus. 

Joan: Anticipating the likelihood of betrayal, arrest and pain, Jesus wanted more than anything to be with his friends, to share a meal, exchange stories and create fond memories. To strengthen the bonds of friendship that evening, Jesus washed the feet of his friends in an act of love and humility.

            All lift the bread.

Mary Theresa: Back at the table, he took the bread, spoke the grace, broke the bread and offered it to them saying, Take and eat, this is my very self.

All lift their cups.

Phillis: Then he took the cup of blessing, spoke the grace, and offered it to them saying:

Take and drink of the covenant

Made new again through my life in you.

Whenever you remember me like this,

I am among you. (pause)

All consume their bread and cup

Mary Theresa: Our Communion Meditation is Where Did Jesus Go by Sara Thomsen. Video by Denise Hackert-Stoner using photos by artists on Unsplash

Joan: Let us join with disciples of all ages and pray as Jesus taught us:

O Holy One, who is within, around and among us,

We celebrate your many names.

Your Wisdom come.

Your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us,

Each day you give us all we need;

You remind us of our limits, and we let go.

You support us in our power, and we act with courage.

 For you are the dwelling place within us,

the empowerment around us,

and the celebration among us, now and forever. Amen (Miriam Therese Winter)

Blessing and Commissioning - Phillis
: Please raise your hands in blessing and pray together.

May we create the space for Love

because in us, Love shows up,

embodied, determined, intelligent,

questioning, and disrupting.

May our Love show up

in activism, organizing, dismantling, teaching;

in the streets, in our words, rituals, and prayers.

May Love show up in our preaching, praying;

in our working and our playing.

May Love show up

When we show up.

May we reveal Love in our lives,

our theologies, our convictions, and our values.

May love show up in our collective loving

beyond our own satisfaction.

Where is the Love? In Us. May we live it.


Mary Theresa: Please join in singing our Closing Song: “We are singing for our lives” Sung by Holly Near and Ronnie Gilbert

Friday, October 9, 2020

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community - Feast of Pope Saint John XXIII - October 10, 2020 - Presiders: Andrea Seabaugh and Michael Rigdon

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

Feast of Saint/Pope John XXIII and

58th Anniversary of Vatican Council II, 10/11/1962

Andrea Seabaugh, Imogene & Michael Rigdon Presiding

Readers: Cheryl Brandi, Joan Meehan, Maura Howl, Janet Blakeley

(Let’s begin with a moment of silence)

Welcome! (Andrea) We warmly welcome you to our inclusive Catholic community, Mary Mother of Jesus in Sarasota, Florida. All are welcome here. We invite you to pray the liturgy where it says, All. And please sing your heart out! Everyone will be muted during the service. But many of you will mic on to read one of the four readings or one of the prayers marked Voice#, then mic off again. Also during our shared homily and prayers of the community, we invite you to mic on to contribute, then mic off again. Please have bread and wine or juice with you as we pray the Eucharistic Prayer.

Liturgy Introduction. (Michael) At MMOJ we have celebrated the anniversary of the beginning of Vatican Council II and the feast of Pope John XXIII in October many times. Since 2013 we have celebrated the official elevation of Papa Giovanni to the ranks of the saints! I kept Imogene’s name in the list of presiders because she was instrumental in developing and celebrating this feast with us. 

Our opening prayer is the one Papa Giovanni offered at the opening of the Council on October 11, 1962. Our 1st reading will be from his introductory comments to the bishops gathered for the opening session. And our other three readings will be selected passages from three of the important documents approved by the Council—The Constitution on the Church, the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, and the Constitution on the Church in the Modern World. Today’s theme can best be expressed in our opening song: The Spirit Is A-movin’.

🎢 The Spirit is a-movin’.

(refrain) The Spirit is a-movin all over, all over this land. (x2)

People are gathering’, the church is born;

The Spirit is a-blowin’ on a world reborn. R.

Filled with the Spirit, we are sent to serve.

We are called out together, we are called to work. R.

(Michael) In the name of God our creator, and of Jesus our brother, and of the Holy Spirit our wisdom. All: Amen. 

Namaste! The Holy One in me greets the Holy One in you!  All: Namaste!

Reconciliation Rite. Voice#1 & All: We pause now to remember times when false messages of our unworthiness have clouded our vision of the infinite love within us. Let us imagine our imperfections, the chaos and messes of our lives all brightly lit by a love that heals and transforms us as we evolve and grow in awareness of our divinity and our humanity. (Pause briefly. Then extend arm over your heart.) I love you. Thank you. I’m sorry. I forgive you. Thank you. I love you. 

(Andrea) 58 years ago, Pope John XXIII offered this prayer at the

opening of the Second Vatican Council, Oct.11,1962:

Let us pray: Almighty God! In you we place all our confidence,

Look down kindly on these people of your Church.

May the light of your grace help us

in making decisions and in making laws.

Graciously hear the prayers which we offer you with unanimity of faith, voice, and mind.

O Mary, help of Christians, help of bishops,

arrange all things for a happy and helpful outcome.

With your spouse, St Joseph; the holy apostles, Peter and Paul;

St John the Baptist; and St John the Evangelist,

intercede to God for us.

Jesus Christ, our loving redeemer, to you be love and glory forever.  All: Amen

(Michael) Let us pray. We give you thanks and praise, O Holy One, for blessing us with Papa Giovanni, peasant by birth, and by choice, servant of your servants, worker for peace on earth, brother to all people of good will. In baptism, John put on Christ: to love the world, to be of good cheer, to undo the arrogant and lift up the lowly, to speak new words to the weary. How he lived that gospel word: “Be cunning as serpents, simple as doves.” How he preached that gospel word, not proclaiming doom but rushing, in love, to the world’s side. Raise up in us, your church, the spirit that filled saint John: modest for ourselves, but bold for you, setting off unafraid for places we have never been and ever seeking our peace in your will. This we ask in Jesus’ name.  All: Amen.

Liturgy of the Word

(Cheryl) we have four readings from Vatican Council II. Our response to each reading will be 🎢: The Spirit is a-movin all over, all over this land. (x2) 

First Reading: Papa Giovanni’s Introductory Comments at the Second Vatican Council (Oct 11, 1962)

Ecumenical councils like this, whenever they gather,

are an occasion for the celebration once again

of the unity between Christ and the Church….

I confidently trust that under the light of this council

the Church will become richer in spiritual matters

and, with this new energy, will look to the future without fear,

bringing itself up-to-date where needed.

As I go about my daily work as pope, I sometimes have to listen,

with much regret, to voices of persons who,

though burning with zeal, 

are not endowed with too much sense of discretion or measure.

These people can see nothing but a decline of truth

and the ruin of the Church in these modern times.

They say that our era, in comparison with past ones, is getting worse, 

and they behave as though they had learned nothing from history,

which is, nonetheless, the teacher of life.

I feel I must disagree with these prophets of gloom

who are always forecasting disaster

as though the end of the world was at hand.

In fact, at the present time, Divine Providence is leading us 

to a new order of human relations 

which, by the very effort of the people of this time, 

is directed toward the fulfillment of God’s great plans for us.

Everything, even human differences, 

leads to a greater good for the Church….

The council now beginning rises in the Church

like daybreak, a forerunner of most splendid light.

It is now only dawn.

And already, at this first announcement of the rising day,

how much sweetness fills our heart!

(Let’s pause for a few moments to reflect)

These are the inspired words of Papa Giovanni, and we respond 🎢

(Joan) Second Reading: Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium

“Christ is the Light of the Nations”

The most central and clear message we have for all people

emerges from the metaphor where we come to understand

that we are family.

We who claim to be the Church,

we who claim to be the Body of Christ,

must resemble Christ as much as possible.

We must take the part of the poor whenever we can;

we must defend those without power;

we must avoid seeking our own glory

and act with humility and self-sacrifice for the good of all.

The Church itself is always in need of being renewed and forgiven,

purified for its mission.

Laypeople have the obligation to constantly develop 

a more profound grasp of their Christian faith.

There are times when laypeople have a serious obligation to express

their opinions and insights about the Church.

Laypeople should be open to all the different

talents, gifts, and experiences they bring to the Church.

In order to receive what they really need,

they must express their needs and wants openly.

Pastors must give real responsibility to parishioners 

and encourage them to take initiative in their parishes.

Such authentic trust and cooperation between the laity and their spiritual leaders holds great potential for the Church.

(Let’s pause for a few moments to reflect)

These are the inspired words of the Council bishops, and we respond 🎢

(Maura) Third Reading: The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy,

Sacrosanctum Concilium

The Liturgy is the summit toward which

the Christian life is directed

and the very source of that life to begin with…

In the Eucharist, the eternal covenant

between God and humankind is renewed

and Christ’s love is rekindled in us.

Precisely because it is so central to us,

and so important in the Christian journey,

the faithful who come to Liturgy

must be well disposed,

ready to participate, 

and actively engaged in the rites.

It is not enough simply to follow the letter of the law,

making sure that our liturgies 

are “correct” and “proper.”…

Because of their baptisms,

all the faithful have both a right and a duty

to full and active participation in the Liturgy…

There is to be more reading from Scripture,

with more variance and suitability.

Sermons should be drawn mainly from Scripture

and should proclaim God’s wonderful works,

the mystery of Christ

and the wonderful moment

that we share together at Mass…

The use of Latin is preserved

but the use of the mother tongue,

which may be of great advantage to the people,

is also permitted when requested by the local bishops…

The Church does not wish to impose

a rigid uniformity in matters where it is not necessary,

and local customs may be introduced into the Liturgy

provided they are not based on superstition or error….

We hereby call for all to enter into 

the promotion and restoration of the Liturgy with zeal!

(Let’s pause for a few moments to reflect)

These are the inspired words of the Council Fathers, and we respond 🎢 

(Janet) Fourth Reading: Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,

Gaudium et Spes

The joy and hope, the grief and anxiety of the people of this age,

especially of those who are poor or in any way afflicted:

this is the joy and hope, the grief and anxiety,

of the followers of Christ.

Indeed, nothing genuinely human

fails to raise an echo in their hearts.

The Christian community

is, after all, a community of women and men

truly linked with humankind and its history,

bearing a message of salvation

intended for all people.

This council, therefore,

having already looked in depth at the Church itself,

now turns its attention on the whole of humanity.

We want to state clearly our understanding

of the presence and function of the Church

in the world of today.

The Christian vision is that the world was created

and is sustained by God.

It was freed from the slavery of sin by Christ.

It is now being re-created and brought to its destiny

under the Holy Spirit.

We now offer to the world

the honest assistance of the Church

in fostering human harmony which is our destiny.

In this, we follow our teacher, Christ, 

who came to give witness to truth

and to serve and not be served….

In language understandable for each generation,

the Church should be able to give

a meaningful answer to questions people have

about life: both now and after death.

We must, in other words, read the signs of the times.

One of those signs

is the profound and rapid change

that is everywhere….

History speeds along on so rapid a course

that one can scarcely keep abreast of it,

and we humans have now passed

from a rather static understanding of reality

to one much more dynamic and evolutionary!

Because change occurs so rapidly today

and thought patterns differ so widely,

the Church needs to increase the activity 

of adapting herself to this age.

To do this, she calls for help

from the people living in the world

who understand these times so well….

In all this,

the Church’s assistance to the world

and the world’s assistance to the Church

there is one single intention on our part:

that God’s Reign be established

and that all men and women

be made whole.

(Let’s pause for a few moments to reflect)

These are the inspired words of the Council bishops, and we respond 🎢

Shared Homily 

(Michael) You heard Papa Giovanni in his comments to begin the Council:

“I confidently trust that under the light of this council

the Church will become richer in spiritual matters

and, with this new energy, will look to the future without fear,

bringing itself up-to-date where needed.”

He was a joyful, hopeful, confident Church reformer. We all remember him throwing open the windows of the church to let the world in—and the Spirit out!

After 58 years, we still need his hope as we continue to reform our Church!

And a sentence from our 4th reading from the Church in the Modern World:

“Because change occurs so rapidly today

and thought patterns differ so widely,

the Church needs to increase the activity 

of adapting herself to this age.

To do this, she calls for help

from the people living in the world

who understand these times so well….”

What a remarkable new path to progress—a reciprocal process in which the Church not only teaches the world, but also learns from the world! 

Those are a few of my thoughts. Please add your comments about today’s celebration or any other thoughts you want to share with the community. Please unmute to comment, then mute again when you finish. 

Profession of Faith. Voice#2 & All: 

We believe in God, the creator of all, whose divinity infuses life with the sacred. 

We believe in Jesus the Christ who leads us to the fullness of humanity.

Through Christ we become new people, lifted to the fullness of life. 

We believe in the Holy Spirit, the breath of God on earth,

Who keeps the Christ vision present and infuses energy into weary spirits. 

We believe in God who is life. 

Amen to courage, to hope, to the partnership and equality all people in God’s plan. 

We believe in justice and peace for everyone. 

We surely believe in all this!

Prayers of the Community (Andrea) A few moments of silence before we bring our community prayers and offerings to the table.

We bring to the table prayers for our community and the world. (Response: Christ, you graciously hear us!) 

We bring to the table our MMOJ members who aren’t with us today. In this time of physical distancing may we find ways to remain close and connected to our family, our friends, and our community. We pray. R 

The covid-19 pandemic continues to rage across the country. We bring to the table public health professionals and government leaders responsible for public health. May they collaborate to make wise decisions to protect our physical, emotional, and economic health. We pray. R

We bring to the table our fellow citizens who work to address our national pandemic of racism and police violence. May we support efforts to promote justice for all who suffer from systemic racism. We pray. R 

We bring to the table today the many people suffering the ravages of the fires on the west coast. We remember those who have died, those who have lost their homes and possessions, those whose health is damaged by the smoke. May we support their efforts to rebuild their lives. We pray R 

Who and what else shall we bring to the table today? 

(Please turn your mic on to offer a prayer, then mic off.) 

(Andrea): Christ, we will be your presence in the world today and every day of our lives. All: Amen

Offering of Our Gifts at the table πŸ₯– 🍷

🎢 Seed Scattered and Sown.

Eucharistic Prayer. (Michael) Let us begin our Eucharistic prayer in song:

🎢🎢 We are holy.

Voice#3 & All: Merciful God, send your Spirit now to settle on this bread and wine, and fill them with the fullness of Jesus.

And let that same Spirit rest on us, converting us from the patterns of this passing world, until we conform to the shape of Jesus whose food we now share. Amen

We Remember Jesus (hand extended in blessing). Voice#4 & All: On the night before he died, while at supper with his friends, Jesus took bread πŸ₯– , said the blessing, broke the bread and gave it to them saying, “Take this, all of you, and eat. This is my body which will be broken for you.” (Pause) In the same way, Jesus took the cup of wine🍷. He said the blessing, gave the cup to his friends and said, “Take this all of you and drink. This is the cup of my life-blood. Do this to remember me.” 

Voice#5 & All: Remember, gracious God, your Church throughout the world. Make us open to receive all believers. In union with all people, may we strive to create a world where suffering is diminished, and where all people can live in health and wholeness.

Thru Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in union with the Holy Spirit, all glory is yours, gracious God.   🎢 The Great Amen. 

Voice#6 Let us pray as Jesus taught his companions to pray:

Voice &6 & All: O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.

We celebrate your many names. 

Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.

Each day you give us all we need. 

You remind us of our limits, and we let go. 

You support us in your power, and we act with courage. 

For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us,

And the celebration among us, now and forever. Amen

(Adapted, Miriam Therese Winter, MMS)

(Michael) Let us offer one another a sign of Christ’s peace. All: Namaste! Christ’s peace be with you!    🎢 Prayer of St Francis.

Voice#7 & All: This is Jesus who liberates, heals and transforms us and our world. All are invited to partake of this banquet of love. We are the Body of Christ. (All receive)

 πŸŽΆ Irish blessing, Across the Water, Bill Leslie

Prayer of Thanksgiving (Didache, Instruction, 100CE) (Michael introduction)

Voice#8 & All: For the thanksgiving, give thanks this way: First, for the cup: We thank you, Abba God, for the sacred vine of David your son, whose meaning you made clear to us through our brother Jesus, yours ever be the splendor. 

And for the bread fragment: We thank you, Amma God, for the life and wisdom whose meaning you made clear to us through Jesus, yours ever be the splendor. 

As this fragment was scattered high on hills, but by gathering was united into one, so let your people from earth’s ends be united into your single reign, for yours are splendor and might through Jesus Christ down the ages.

(Michael) Prayers of Thanksgiving. Introductions. Announcements.

Mutual blessing (Michael) Please raise your hand in blessing 🎢         

Rejoice and be glad! Blessed are we, holy are we! 

Rejoice and be glad! Ours is the kindom of God! x2

(Andrea) Go in the peace of Christ, let the service begin! All: Thanks be to God.

🎢 Everyday God.


If you want to add an intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayer book, please send an email to

If you want to invite someone to attend our liturgy, please refer them to the day’s liturgy at      

To support our community, please send your check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

St Andrew UCC, 6908 Beneva Rd, Sar