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Friday, June 18, 2021

Mary, Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community 12th Week of Extra-Ordinary Time - Emancipation Day - June 19, 2021 - Presiders: Kathryn Shea, ARCWP, Rev. Stephen Winners, and Seth Theo Thokozani, God’s Wingmen - Readers: Dotty Shugrue and Joan Pesce - Music Ministers: Linda Lee and Rick Miller         

Zoom link for video- 4:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time

ID 851- 0809-5506

Passcode 1066




Theme: Now Everything Is New  

Welcome and Gathering 

Stephen: Welcome to our Zoom liturgy at Mary Mother of Jesus, an inclusive Catholic Community where all are welcome. 

-We invite you to pray the liturgy and respond where it says “All.” 

-All participants will be muted during the liturgy except for the presiders and readers. 

-Please have bread and wine/juice nearby as we pray our Eucharistic prayer.

Whoever you are, 

Wherever you are, 

Just as you are, 

You are welcome at this table. (Integral Christianity by Paul Smith)

Let us now take a few minutes to collect ourselves as we prepare to focus our minds and our hearts on our knowledge that we are all one, brought together at this time to transform ourselves and our world through love; love for our Holy One, love for our neighbors, love for ourselves, and love for our planet.  Let us begin our liturgy by expressing this love through song.  

Gathering Song: Everything New by Daniel Nahmood


Bring it on.  Everything New. Everything different, Everything true. 

I am ready for my next thing to do, Oh I know It’s gonna be everything new. 

I’m through crying, I’m through waiting. I’m through hoping against all hope.

I’m through longing for something gone That’ll never return.  I think I’ve finally learned.


Bring it on.  Everything New. Everything different, Everything true. 

I am ready for my next thing to do, Oh I know It’s gonna be everything new. 

I’m through grieving, I’m through dreaming, that the life I had is ever coming back.

No more wishing on someone else’s star, that’ll never be mine.  I think it’s time.


Bring it on.  Everything New. Everything different, Everything true. 

I am ready for my next thing to do, Oh I know It’s gonna be everything new. 

I’ve survived many times before, broken hearts and slamming doors.

I’ll be alright, yes I will, once more.

Just as I did back then, I’m gonna rise again.


Bring it on.  Everything New. Everything different, Everything true. 

I am ready for my next thing to do, Oh I know It’s gonna be everything new. 

Opening Prayer

Kathryn: In the name of our Beloved; we gather to celebrate life in the fullest and our oneness with and in you and in all things.  Oh Holy One, you have calmed the seas through the many storms in our lives and brought us through our darkest of hours into the light and new beginnings.  We give thanks for your great love and protection.  May we be the people you have called us to be, creating everything new; a new understanding of our power to co-create with you a world that is unfolding.  We are co-creating a world of unconditional love, compassion, and embracement of all people, especially those living on the margins.  Let our ears hear, our eyes see, and our hearts receive as we work to expand the power of Your love on this Earth.  Amen. 

A Joyful Gloria: Linda Lee Miller and graphics by Rick Miller

Liturgy of the Word

Dotty: First Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:14-17 A reading from the apostle Paul to the Corinthians

The love of Christ overwhelms us whenever we reflect on this: that if one person has died for all, then we all have died.  The reason Christ died for all was so that the living should live no longer for themselves but for Christ, who died and was raised to life for them.

And so from now on, we do not look on anyone in terms of mere human judgment. Even if we did once regard Christ in these terms, that is not how we know Christ now.  And anyone who is in Christ is a new creation.  The old order has passed away; now everything is new. 

These are the inspiring words from the apostle Paul and we affirm by responding,   “Let it be so.”  

Responsorial – Spirit of the Living God by Linda Lee Miller

Seth: Second Reading: Ode to My Dad (adapted from Power of Poetry)

This is for my hero, my dad
He is the best father a kid could ever have.
He laughs a lot, and makes me happy
Even though some of his jokes are kind of sappy.
I try to do things on my own, because that is how I'm raised.
But my dad is there in case I fail, and he is never fazed.
He picks me up and dusts me off, and shows me how it's done.
He makes things seem so easy,
even hard jobs seem like fun.
Sometimes he is a chef, working at the barbecue.
I can still smell the smoke as he cooks a steak or two.
Sometimes he is a chauffeur, driving here and there but,
Sometimes I drive him crazy.
I'm surprised he still has hair.

I know my dad will always protect me and always keep me safe.
He would do anything to keep a smile on my face, and I would do the same.
We love each other a whole lot.
That is why my dad is my go to guy.

Alle, Alle, Alleluia: Linda Lee

Stephen: Gospel Reading: Mark 4:35-41  - A reading from the Gospel of Mark

With the coming of evening that same day, Jesus said to his disciples:
“Let us cross to the other side.”

Leaving the crowd behind, they took Jesus with them in the boat in which he was sitting.  There were other boats with them. 

Then a fierce gale arose, and the waves were breaking into the boat so much that it was almost swamped.  But Jesus was in the stern through it all, sound asleep on a cushion.  They woke him and said to him,
“Teacher, does it not matter to you that we are going to drown?” 

Jesus awoke, rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Quiet!  Be still!”
The wind ceased and everything was perfectly calm.
Then he asked them, “Why are you terrified?
Do you not yet have faith?”
They were filled with great awe and said to one another,
“Who then is this whom even wind and sea obey?”

These are the inspiring words from the disciple, Mark, and we affirm them by responding, “Let it be so.”  

Homily Starter/Community Sharing

Communal Statement of Faith

Joan and ALL: We believe in one God, a divine mystery beyond all definition and rational understanding, the heart of all that has ever existed, that exists now, or that ever will exist. 

We believe in Jesus, messenger of God's Word, bringer of God's healing, heart of God's compassion, bright star in the firmament of God's prophets, mystics, and saints. 

We believe that we are called to follow Jesus as a vehicle of God's love, a source of God's wisdom and truth, and an instrument of God's peace in the world.

We believe that God's kin-dom is here and now, stretched out all around us for those with eyes to see it, hearts to receive it, and hands to make it happen.

Prayers of and for the Community

Kathryn: We now bring our prayer intentions to the Table


Our response is: All: Holy One, we know you respond to our prayers. 

We pray for our MMOJ intentions on our community prayer list. (Joan shares)

Our response is: All: Holy One, we know you respond to our prayers. 

We pray for all fathers of every kind that they have the wisdom, compassion, and love to care for and raise healthy, happy, and holy children.  

Our response is: All: Holy One, we know you respond to our prayers. 

For what else should we pray?

Kathryn: Holy Mystery may we respond to the needs of our sisters and brothers in loving prayer and solidarity. Amen

Presentation of the Bread and Wine

Dotty: Gracious God, you have set the banquet table and have invited all of us to a feast of unending delight.  Blessed are You, Holy One, through Your divine providence we have this bread, to share, the Bread of Life. 

Dotty and All: Blessed are You, Holy One, forever.  

Stephen: Blessed are You, O Loving One through Your divine providence we have this wine to share, our spiritual drink. 

Stephen and All: Blessed are, You, Holy One, forever.

Kathryn: Let us lift up our hearts.

Kathryn and All:  We lift them up to the Holy One, living in us and loving through us.  Namaste (3x)

Eucharistic Prayer

Joan P: Gracious Wisdom, you embrace us with your extravagant affection in our times of both blessedness and weakness.  You are always with us…you living in us and we living in you.  In this festive meal, your Spirit is poured out on each of us gathered in the circle of your friends and disciples, we also ask that your Spirit be spread to those of our community who are not with us today.

Let us rejoice as we sing: 

All:  Holy, Holy, Holy Linda Lee Miller

 (adapted from Holy, Holy, Holy by Karen Drucker)

Cheryl: We thank you for the gift of Jesus of Nazareth in history -- and the gift of Jesus in faith. On earth, his life burned with the vision of his mission on earth. Through the example of his life – his teachings and actions - he showed us not only how we should live, but also what was worth even dying for. 

Lee and All: When his time on earth had come to an end, Jesus – aware of and accepting his destiny – gave us his life for the values that he deeply believed, lived and taught…his conviction that love is stronger than death.  And then, in providing an example of this wisdom for all people in ages to come, he opened wide his arms…and died.  And the spirit that lived in Jesus resurrected him to a new life, a promise made to all of us too who live the new story.  Jesus is with us today and he will be through the end of time.

(With an outstretched arm, we pray the consecration together.  We remember the gift that Jesus gave us on the night before he died.  He gathered with his friends to share a final Passover meal.  And it was at that supper that Jesus took bread, said the blessing and shared it with them saying: take this, all of you, and eat it.  This bread is you; this bread is me.  We are one body, the presence of God in the world. When you do this, remember me and all that I have taught you.  This is the new and everlasting covenant.  

           [short pause]

In the same way, Jesus took a cup of wine, said the blessing and gave it to his friends saying: take this, all of you, and drink it.  This wine is you; this wine is me.  We are one blood, the presence of God in the world.  When you do this, remember me and all that I have taught you. This is the new and everlasting covenant.

Kathryn: Jesus, who was with God “in the beginning of the creation of the heavens and the earth,” is with us now in this bread. The Spirit, of whom the prophets spoke in history, is with us now in this cup.  Let us proclaim this mystery of faith.

Kathryn and All:  Jesus has died.  Christ is risen.  The Divine Presence lives in us and through us in the world today.

Dotty: God, we know that you bless your church throughout the world. We, your people, ask for your grace that we may continually grow in our love and caring for Francis, our Pope, Bridget Mary, our Bishop and for everyone with whom we come in contact, especially those who live on the margins of church and society. They are all our brothers and sisters, members of your Blessed Family.  We remember also all those, living and dead, who touched our lives and left their footprints on our hearts.  We remember especially….(mention names here, if you would like to..) 

Dotty and All: We believe that the Spirit of God is at work in and among us and will do more than we could ever ask or imagine.  We believe that it is through Christ, with Christ, and in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, Creator God, forever and ever.  

Great Amen: Linda Lee Miller


The Prayer of Jesus

Stephen and ALL: Let us pray as Jesus taught us. 

O Holy One, you are within, around, and among us.

We celebrate your many names.  Your wisdom come, your will be done, unfolding from the depths within us.  Each day you give us all we need.  You remind us of our limits, and we let go.  You support us in your power, and we act with courage.  For you are the dwelling place within us, the empowerment around us, and the celebration among us, now and forever.  Amen    Adapted, Miriam Therese Winter, MMS

Sign of Peace:

Kathryn: Jesus said to his disciples, “My peace I leave You.  My peace I give You.” 

Let us join in singing, Peace is flowing like a river by Carey Landry:  

Linda Lee Miller

Joan:  Please join in praying the Litany for the Breaking of the Bread:

Dotty: Holy One, You call us to speak truth to power; we will do so.

Holy One, You call us to live the Gospel of healing and justice; we will do so. Holy One, You call us to be Your presence in the world; we will do so.

Stephen: This is the bread of life and the cup of blessing. Blessed are we who are called to Christ’s table.  

Stephen and All:  May we live as the Body of Christ in the world, serving all in need, especially those living on the margin.                          

Please receive/share Eucharist now, saying: “You are the bread of life.” And “You are the cup of compassion.”

Communion Song:  Everything is Holy Now by Peter Mayer


Closing Community Commissioning

Kathryn: And together with our arms extended to one another we say: 

O God, we thank you for the lives of great saints and prophets in the past, who have revealed to us that we can stand up amid the problems and difficulties and trials of life and not give in. We thank you for our foreparents, who've given us something in the midst of the darkness of exploitation and oppression to keep going. Grant that we will go on with the proper faith and the proper determination of will, so that we will be able to make a creative contribution to this world. In the name and spirit of Jesus we pray. Amen.

(Dr. Martin Luther King)

ALL:  Thanks be to God.  Bring it on!    Alleluia! 

Closing Song: Everything We Need by Carrie Newcomer

If you would like to add your intercession to our MMOJ Community Prayers book,

Please send an email to

If you would like to invite another person to attend our liturgy please refer them to where the day’s liturgy is found. Zoom instructions are also included there.

Please support our community, send your check to:

Mary Mother of Jesus Inclusive Catholic Community

% St Andrews UCC, 6908 Beneva Rd., Sarasota, FL 34328