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Friday, December 19, 2008

Roman Catholic Womanpriest, Olivia Doko, shares Third O Antiphon

/*O Root of Jesse...standing as a sign to all the world,

before you ev'ry ruler silent bows,

and to you ev'ry nation will one day return for help.

Come! and save us, we can wait no more!

My Dearly Loved Sisters and Brothers,

Peace this Third O Antiphon Day!

Ringing in the ears of my heart as well as in the ears of my mind is the
word "root". The Christ was and remains deeply rooted in God, inviting
us into a silent awareness of our rootedness in, with and through him,
our beloved brother.

How many false roots of ego, sown in the darkness of our ignorance of
the Light, are we invited to uproot, first of all in ourselves, in order
to stand as the signs to all the world we have been created to be? How
willing are we to return to the taproot, The Christ, for help and

So often we are busy saving the world, saving the Church, saving
others. Yet the greatest gift we can give to all, to and with whom we
are called by God, is first to allow ourselves to be saved from our
false selves so that we might come home to our true selves, and thereby
help show others the way.

Indeed, in openness may we pray, "come and save us...we can wait no more!"

With love at Advent and always,
Olivia of the Western Region - RCWP-USA

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