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Monday, June 20, 2011

Bishops Squandered Opportunity, Time for Bishops Accountability.
In a press release the day before the bishops' meeting, called for these changes to the charter:

Mandatory reporting of all allegations of sexual abuse to diocesan review boards, "not just the ones that the bishop selects";
(Bridget Mary: Another example of the fox guarding hen house, this is a repeat of bad behavior that fosters cover-ups. Isn't this really about power and control!)

Requiring "bishops and their officials" to "report all allegations, without exception, to civil authorities";
(Bridget Mary: No other religion would get away with failing to report sexual abuse allegations to civil authorities, wake up, Catholics, do NOT allow bishops to get away with failing to do mandatory reporting. Let the police investigate, not the bishops. No one should get away with obstruction of justice,)

Beefing up "zero tolerance" by demanding bishops "immediately remove priests who are accused of abuse," arguing that "currently, accused priests can continue to minister for months or even years at the discretion of the bishop";
(Bridget Mary: A no brainer, of course, -- protect children, instead of protecting perpetratorse. How many more billions will Catholics in the pew pay before they stop giving funds to dioceses where abusive priests stay in ministry?What does it take to stop this train wreck from destroying the church? Ask yourself: is this behavior befitting a community of faith that we can be proud of? Boycott the funds, people of God, put your money in escrow and/or give directly to the poor.)

Reinstatement of appellate review boards so abuse survivors would "be able to appeal a review board decision";
(Bridget Mary: Sounds like a fair process)

Tightening confidentiality agreement language to address situations where it appeared "that survivors are still being coerced into signing" them;
(Bridget Mary: How about compassionate care for victims and a fair process for accused? )

Develop a "strict code of conduct" for victim's assistance coordinators in wake of evidence of "betrayal of survivors … recently revealed in Philadelphia and Cleveland";
(Bridget Mary: Of course, we need a strict code of conduct, so sad that this disgraceful chapter of intimidation of victims, abuse of power by the hierarchy continues.)

Specifying that "any bishop who abuses a child or enables the abuse of a child, or has done so in the past" be reported to civil authorities, not the papal nuncio as the bishops' revisions propose.
(Bridget Mary:You have got to be kidding, reporting to the papl nuncio does not pass the straight face test!)

Bridget Mary: Kudos to the courageous people at Bishop Accountability for speaking truth to power and calling for genuine reform of our broken system in need of systemic change in the Catholic Church now.

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