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Friday, September 16, 2011

"Sophia Reweaves" a Poem about the Healing of the Priesthood by Katy Zatsick

Katy Zatsick shares communion
at her ordination in Florida in 2010

Comments about my Poem by Katy Zatsick:
Sophia is the Greek word for Holy Wisdom. She appears in the Books of Proverbs and Wisdom in the Bible and is identified with Christ in the Gospels and New Testament.
The reweaving by the Spirit is to heal the present negation of the feminine in the RC priesthood.
Wholeness in RC emotional life and spirituality is found in the expression and experience of male and female, not the exclusion of one or the other.
Our RCWP mission is to heal this mortal wounding in the RCC spiritual collective consciousness of our faith community.
Although God is Mystery and has no gender, we find God through the spirituality of both men and women priests and all in the circles of our lives.
This poem expresses the experience of the spiritual healing arising from the ordination of women AND
The ordination of women by the whole community of faith-both male and female.

A Poem by Katy Zatsick:

Sophia Reweaves

We gather in community
The cross draped in red hanging above us.
Sophia’s presence:
Life, death, life before us.

Our bishop raises her hand
To call forth blessing on three women-deacon, priest, priest
Invited we join her raising our hands.

Sophia flowing through Her community
Ribbons of color from our hands
Weaving and reweaving our brokenness
Healing our wounds:
Male and female---whole
Healing the People of God.

Sophia smiles
Pleased with Her daughters and sons
Enfleshing healing of the
Soul of Her Beloved Community
Soul of humanity
“That all be made one”
One in consciousness of Her ever-creating Love
Ordination into wholeness.

Sophia, presider and Priestly People
Male and female
One act of worship and blessing.

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