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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Nun Justice Project: Prayer for our Sisters as Leadership Conference of Women Religious Decide Response to Vatican Investigation at St. Louis Meeting in Aug.


Prayer for our Sisters

Opening Song: “ Blest are They” (David Haas, GIA 1985)

                Blest are they, the poor in spirit, theirs is the kingdom of God.
                Blest are they, full of sorrow, they shall be consoled.

                                Chorus:  Rejoice and be glad!  Blessed are you, holy are you!
                                                   Rejoice and be glad!  Yours is the kingdom of God!

                Blest are they, who show mercy, mercy shall be theirs.
                Blest are they, the pure of heart, they shall see God!    Chorus
                Blest are they who seek peace; they are the children of God.
                Blest are they who suffer in faith, the glory of God is theirs.  Chorus

Reading:  Matthew 5:  3-12

Leader:  We gather here to recall the contributions of our Sisters to our lives and the life of the Church in America.  We say together, “ Rejoice and Be Glad!”  for we have been greatly blessed…..

Reader One:  By Sister Angela, enlivening her first grade classroom with images of a loving Creator, a gentle friend Jesus, and a fiery Comforter, making God’s love manifest through teaching….
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Two:  By Sister Pat, stopping the soup kitchen line to listen to the single mother’s tale of eviction, making God’s love manifest through ministry with the vulnerable….
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Three:  By Sister Ruth, walking shoulder to shoulder with migrant workers in the hot sun, making God’s love manifest through advocacy for social justice…..
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Four:  By Sister Helen, stripping for entry to the maximum security prison day after day, making God’s love manifest through support of the lost…..
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!              

Reader Five:  By Sister Regina, leading lively debate in the systematic theology seminar, making God’s love manifest by fostering inquiry and dialogue…..
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Six:  By Sister Maryanne, organizing demonstrations against the bombings, making God’s love manifest through peacemaking…..
                                All:   Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Seven:  By Sister Deborah, wiping the face of the feverish AIDS patient, making God’s love manifest through nursing and healing…..
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Eight:  By Sister Clare, joining the protest against pollution of the town’s water supply, making God’s love manifest through energy and participation…..
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Reader Nine:  By Sister Lauren, kneeling in the chapel to voice a multitude of prayer petitions, making God’s love manifest through devotion….
                                All:  Rejoice and be glad!

Participants may feel free to add their own petitions about nuns they know,  followed by the refrain.
If desired, a longer litany can be created by singing the full chorus as response to each petition.

Leader:  Faithful believers, persistent advocates, powerful peacemakers, humble witnesses, compassionate healers, imaginative teachers, insightful writers, joyful prayers –
we pray for all these holy religious women.  We give thanks for their passion and presence.

All:  May the Spirit of God give the Sisters wisdom and strength in this time of trial.
May the Spirit of God give the People of God courage and commitment in supporting them.
May the Spirit of God bring the light of truth and the grace of healing to this challenge to our Church.  Amen.

Closing Song:  repeat last verse of “Blest are They” or sing “This Little Light of Mine”

1 comment:

  1. You sure this wasn't co-authored by Dan Brown?

    Sounds like your usual conspiracy bull honky to me.


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