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Monday, December 10, 2012

Bishop Olmstead To Replace Bishop Tobin In Rome/Bad News for LCWR and Nuns? Good News for Women Priests?

If more nuns'orders decide that this latest hostile power play by the Vatican is the last straw,   we may see nuns ordained publically as priests sooner rather than later. This is the silver lining in today's announcement that Bishop Olmsted is replacing Bishop Tobin as the Vatican enforcer of its recent crackdown on the nuns who have faithfully and prophetically served our church for centuries. "The orthodox hurricane continues to swirl. It's now taken Phoenix's Olmstead and whirled him right to Rome where he will replace Archbishop Tobin as Secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life. This move removes the LCWR's best friend and replaces him with another ladder climbing Grand Inquisitor. The following is the first paragraph of Vatican Insider's coverage of this impending move."
As a Sister for Christian Community, which is an independent group of prophetic women living the Gospel today, and as a Roman Catholic Woman Priest, who serves my Sisters as bishop in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests, I say 'bring it on"! It is time for the Sisters to declare that they are "free at last" of Vatican control. They certainly have the support of the majority of U.S. Catholics, and they know it.
Now more and more renewal groups are supporting women's ordination including more than a thousand male priests in Austria, Ireland, Germany, and in many other places. Prophets like Maryknoll Roy Bourgeois, Franciscan Jerry Zawada and Jesuit Bill Brennan have co-presided at liturgy with Woman Priest, Janice Sevre-Duszynska. Catholics are now approaching a tipping point in a spiritual revolution that is birthing a more inclusive church where all are welcome to receive sacraments and all the baptized are equals.
Bridget Mary Meehan, sfcc, arcwp

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