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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

"Statement to U.S.Bishops for Justice for Women in the Church" by Janice Sevre-Duszynska

Janice Sevre-Duszynska is now a Roman Catholic Woman Priest with the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests. She issued this Statement to the Bishops for Justice for Women in the Church in 2000. Unfortunately, they are still dragging their feet on the issue of women's ordination in a renewed priestly ministry in a community of equals as an issue of justice rooted in Jesus' example in the Gospels.

"I'm here to use my voice for many who cannot speak. There is an injustice within our church that affects the whole world. We must address this wrong. I am calling you to bring about justice for women in the church. Women's Calvary has not been gentle -- since we are called by God to ordination. Be compassionate to your sisters. Take us women down from the cross and experience the liberating joy that comes from justice-making. Roll away the stone of fear from the tomb and your hearts. Brothers in Christ, hear and feel the Spirit in our midst -- calling you and all of us to deeper conversion. Believe us Easter morning women who are holy conveyors of God's sacraments to the world -- and as such must be given ordination. Believe us Easter morning women who have witnessed the Resurrection. What the Spirit desires is compassion and faithfulness to the Truth. These virtues are more important that mere obedience. Hide no longer in your fear. Believe us Easter morning women. Ordain women. Become Easter morning men...:"

Janice Sevre-Duszynska November 2000 -- USCCB, Hyatt Regency, Capitol Hill, Wash., D.C.

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