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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

ARCWP Women Priests Visit Ireland- Day 15 - Ennis on Feast of Assumption of Mary, August 15th, Franciscan Friary and St. Peter and Paul Cathedral and Celebration of Fleadh Cheoil

Today we participated in the Liturgy at the Franciscan Friary. The homily made the connection between God the Mother and Mary as a reflection of the feminine. The liturgy featured prayers in Gaelic as well as Celtic music. 
I prayed for women priests in Ireland at Mary's altar in the Franciscan Priory.
 See clip below.
At the Fleadh, there was music everywhere on the street, children were playing instruments and dancing. It was a joy to be part of the energy of a huge throng of people celebrating their Irish heritage. See my facebook page for delightful music videos. 

Today I received several calls from media, including BBC. We were invited to celebrate liturgy in Northern Ireland with Pat Buckely and his community on the Antrim coast, and heard from another woman who is interested in discerning a vocation to priesthood.
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,

Mary statue at Franciscan Friary

Statue of St. Bridget at St. Peter and Paul Cathedral in Ennis, County Clare, Ireland

Franciscan Friary, Ennis, County Clare, Ireland

Mary Altar at Franciscan Friary, Ennis, Ireland

1 comment:

  1. You are most welcome to visit the article about the nun who officiated at a wedding in Canada and to comment about it:


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