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Thursday, September 21, 2017

"A Grateful Day", in Celebration of World Gratitude Day

“So you think this is just another day in your life? It’s not just another day. It is the one day that is given to you…today.” ~ Br. David Steindl-Rast

PLEASE ENJOY & SHARE “A Grateful Day,” launched in celebration of World Gratitude Day:

Ten years ago, Br. David recorded A Good Day, which has been watched well over 1 million times. We invite you to join us in celebrating this timeless message, now updated with beautiful, high-resolution video footage, making it suitable for sharing on large and small screens alike. To make the new video, we partnered with Gnarly Bay, creators of Stop. Look. Go, a stunning short film inspired by Br. David’s playfully simple grateful living practice.

8 Reasons the World Needs “A Grateful Day”

  1. It’s needed. People around the globe report increasing levels of stress. Studies show that not only does being grateful feel good and promote pro-social behavior, it is also good for our hearts, our relationships, our sleep and it reduces stress. Gratefulness is an antidote to the woes of the world.
  2. It’s quick. At just 5-minutes long, this video is a brief but effective tonic.
  3. It’s soothing. This short video stops us in our tracks, calms our nervous systems with gentle music and the voice of Benedictine monk, Br. David Steindl-Rast reminding us to look around and notice the everyday gifts of our lives.
    More reasons…

Practices and Questions for A Grateful Day

In considering tools for living gratefully, we offer the following practices and questions to accompany and enrich your experience of our new video, A Grateful Day. We encourage you to watch the video, try these practices and reflect on the questions on your own, with family and friends or in a gratefulness group… See questions and practices…

More About “A Grateful Day”

In 2006, some friends arranged to have Br. David Steindl-Rast record a short meditation about gratefulness…the words that Br. David spontaneously offered that day were an exquisite outpouring of his heart. Read more… 

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