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Wednesday, December 13, 2017

ARCWP-Colombia. 2nd Meeting December 10-11 / 17 Olga Lucia Álvarez Benjumea ARCWP

 We have been meeting 10-11 December / 17.
The time to share will always be short. But on this occasion, before our meeting, we shared together, a whole experience of dislocation, and intergenerational pastoral learning, with members of the different Ecclesial Base Communities, in a popular neighborhood, in the most scourged and discredited area of ​​the city, we omit his name.
It was an interreligious practice of an ecumenical nature. We felt it was a challenge and proposal within our ongoing formation. We strengthened ourselves from the solidary and human way of relating to each other. We learned from the biblical-theological feeling from the base. Here, nobody knew more than another, we were all the same. It was to live and put into practice, the suggestions of the Church, through Vatican II, Documents of Medellin-68, in the midst of the crisis in our country, impatience and despair before the Peace Accords. It was to become aware of Hope, in the spring resurgence of the Church.
Tasting what was learned in the meeting, we went to our meeting, which we held in the same house where we received welcome and solidarity. We were 5 counting on our Brother collaborator, 2 presbyters could not attend, but we felt them close and everything we were living was shared with them. We had the opportunity to greet and see one of our sisters via WhatsApp.
The strong moments of our meeting were the sharing of questions-concerns-doubts. It was an enriching and opportune dialogue, sharing the children of the History of our Movement. Doubts were resolved, decisions were strengthened, and encouragement was given to our commitment through our ministry.
Another strong moment was the intervention of Juan, who gave us a historical tour of the Cult and the Liturgy, present in the OT and NT In the first Christian communities, the influence of Constantine in the Council of Nicea ...
For us it has been a stimulus, to continue discovering and enhancing, feminine creativity, inherited from our matriarchs, which has been invisible, as the contribution of Miriam (sister of Moses), his dance and music. The welcome and solidarity in the church-houses, of Priscilla, Aquila, Febe, Junia, Lidia etc. Celebrate the Eucharist with joy and gratitude, living the message of the Gospel as news, always new.

Blanca Cecilia, sharing her experience, concerns and concerns as a presbyter in Popayán.

Listening to Juan about the cult and the liturgy.

Listening to our sister Maria Teresa for WhatsApp, from Venezuela.

Here we are from left to right: Mónica (Ecuador) Olga Lucia, Lucero, Blanca Azucena and Blanca Cecilia

Catholic Presbyteries, and the children who have been participating in the Meeting.

It is not that we are arriving, no, we are ready to return to our sites. A bit already with tired faces, but happy. Thanking Divinity for the opportunity to have been sharing such a beautiful experience.
 * Catholic presbyter.

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