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Saturday, March 3, 2018

"The woman, pillar in the Church and the Society in the Plenary of the Commission for Latin America", by Olga Lucia Alvarez Benjumea ARCWP

The woman, pillar in the Church and the Society in the Plenary of the Commission for Latin America.

The woman, issue facing the Pontifical Commission Latin AmericaThe woman, issue facing the Pontifical Commission Latin America 

The words of the Pope in Peru marked with fire the entrenched situations of injustice still suffered by women because of the "machismo" in the region
Patricia Ynestroza-Vatican City
Women, pillar in the building of the Church and society in Latin America ", this is the theme chosen by the Holy Father Francisco for the next Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America.
From  6 to 9 March  at the Vatican, the  Pontifical Commission for Latin America  will address this issue with 35 female personalities from Latin America, with very different social and ecclesial responsibilities. Your presence, experience and competence will be fundamental to enrich the reflections and exchanges of the anticipated experiences. The program of the Assembly includes four conferences:  Prof. Ana María Bidegain  highlights "the obstacles and points of support for the 'promotion' of women in the Latin American reality ; Dr. Guzmán Carriquiry The women who, in the history of Latin America, have marked "the pattern of a cultural transformation" will be reviewed; Cardinal Francisco Robles will  speak about "the presence of the Virgin Mary and the role of women in the evangelization of Latin American peoples" and Cardinal Marc Ouellet, president of the CAL, will speak about "  women in light of the mystery of the Trinity and the Church. "
A successive series of panels confronting the reality of women, "educator and catechist", in the field of work and politics, in the effort of "solidarity with the poor and the care of the common home" and in "the building of the Church. " The work of the  Plenary Assembly  of the CAL was crowned by an audience with the  Holy Father Francisco  on the morning of Friday, March 9.
In the press release it is reported that in this work to prepare this Assembly was held in its days of execution was included on  March 8 , " International Women's Day ." Therefore, the CAL has the initiative to invite a dinner of friendship and a tribute on that day, together with all the participants in the Assembly, to some 40 women of the more than 700 who work in the Vatican, with different levels of responsibility and that represents symbolically all the female gender that works every day in the Vatican.
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Dr. Ana Maria Bidegain, greets Pope Francis and handing him his book.

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