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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bridget Mary's Response to Diocese of Venice's OP ED in Sarasota Herald Tribune

Response from Bridget Mary Meehan to Diocese of Venice OP ED in
Sarasota Herald Tribune
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Although Adela Gonzales White, spokesperson for the Diocese of Venice, states that the Diocese of Venice is interested in fair and balanced reporting, her commentary has several errors which I'd like to correct.
First, I did not receive any communication whatsoever from the bishop of the Diocese of Pittsburgh. I was ordained in Pittsburgh by Roman Catholic Womenbishops who were ordained by Roman Catholic male bishops in good standing with the pope. Therefore, these bishops have apostolic succession and my orders are valid. According to Roman Catholic teaching, any bishop in good standing with the pope has apostolic succession and has the authority to ordain. To be in “full apostolic succession” means that a bishop’s authority is passed down in a direct line from the first apostles of Jesus Christ.
Second, I agree that the public has a right to be informed and a right to all the facts, not just the institutional church’s view. The people of God are the church, not just the hierarchy. While Roman Catholic Womenpriests are breaking an unjust, man-made law that keep women subordinate in the RC church, our motivation is not to leave the church, but to lead the church into a new era of equality in which the identity of priests reflect the experiences of women. Ms. White leaves out the fact that decision-making in the church according to Canon Law is linked to Holy Orders. So no matter how many positions women may occupy in the Diocese of Venice or elsewhere, they are second class citizens excluded from official decision-making which is reserved for the clergy. Women will not be equals in the Roman Catholic church until they are ordained.
Third, Pope Benedict has not excommunicated any of the women who were ordained in Roman Catholic Womenpriests in North America. Roman Catholic Womenpriests are not placing themselves outside the church, as Ms. White states, but offering a renewed model of priestly ministry rooted in Jesus example of inclusivity in the Gospels.
Fourth This church teaching, prohibiting women's ordination is not based on Scripture, tradition or the teaching authority (magisterium) .
--Scripture: In 1976, the Pontifical Biblical Commission concluded that there is no biblical reason to prohibit women’s ordination.
--Tradition: According to tradition, women were ordained deacons, priests and bishops in the first twelve hundred years of the church's history.

--Teaching authority/ Magisterium: Roman Catholic church teaches primacy of conscience. The prohibition against women's ordination is not infallible. The doctrine of infallibility states that only those articles of faith which are embraced by the community of believers and have been a part of the tradition of the church since its earliest times can be declared infallible. According to recent surveys 70% of U.S. Catholics support women priests.
Fifth, Like Joan of Arc, and other courageous people who endured condemnation and excommunication during their lifetimes by the church for their holy disobedience, it is our hope that the Roman Catholic womenpriests community will one day be affirmed as faithful members of the church who offered the church the gift of a renewed priestly ministry in a community of equals modeled on Jesus in the Gospels.
Like the Diocese of Venice, I have received many emails and phone calls, but most people who called expressed their support for our house church and asked for directions. I am grateful that the Diocese of Venice has played a role in increasing our community at Mary, Mother of Jesus Catholic Community House Church.
Bridget Mary Meehan
Roman Catholic Womanpriest

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