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Monday, April 21, 2008

Pope's Visit Highlights Fault Lines in the Church

RELIGION-US: Pope's Visit Highlights Fault Lines in the Church
By Arlene Chang
NEW YORK, Apr 20 (IPS) -
The visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the United States this week may have inspired renewed devotion in many Catholic faithful, but progressive church organisations here say that it's time for the Vatican to rethink its more rigid stances on issues like women priests, contraception and homosexuality.

Bridget Mary Meehan, a priest from the Roman Catholic Womenpriests, agrees. "My concern is that the church is not pro-women. They are against contraceptives or reproductive choice. I believe that by perpetuating such teachings they are being anti-women and anti-life, which is ultimately a violation of human rights," Meehan said......


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