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Monday, October 20, 2008

Catholic Feminist Coalition Denounces Vatican Intrusion on Conscience

For Immediate Release Contacts:
Susan Farrell 908-753-4636
Mary E. Hunt 301-589-2509
Donna Quinn 708-974-4220

Catholic Feminist Coalition Denounces Vatican's Intrusion on Conscience

At its annual meeting in Chicago October 10-12, 2008, Women-Church Convergence denounced all threats to and violations of conscience perpetuated by leaders of the Roman Catholic Church. The Convergence affirmed the right of all Catholics to act in the areas of faith and morals on the basis of a well-informed conscience.

Several examples scandalized us of late:
1. Louise Lears was removed from the pastoral team of St. Cronan's Parish by Archbishop Raymond L. Burke of St. Louis, Missouri, for her support of the ordination of Roman Catholic Womenpriests. He placed her under interdict, prohibiting her from the reception of the sacraments in that diocese. This is direct retribution for an act of conscience.
2. Roy Bourgeois received a canonical warning and was asked to explain to his Maryknoll Community the facts of his participation in an ordination sponsored by Roman Catholic Women Priests. A report of the order's investigation was sent to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. This contradicts freedom of conscience.
3. During this election season, several politicians have been threatened with excommunication by bishops who disagree with their principled stances on controversial issues. These are attempts to politicize a Catholic's right in conscience to receive the Eucharist.

Women-Church Convergence urges all Catholics to resist the hierarchy's intrusions on conscience. Women-Church creates and supports communities in which conscience is respected. The Convergence is made up of representatives of twenty-six Catholic-rooted feminist groups and organizations.
A Coalition of twenty-six Catholic-rooted, feminist organizations and groups affirmed the fact that they strongly encourage all Catholics to vote according to their consciences and not dictate in the upcoming November elections. Peace, justice, and opposition to war are the hallmarks of Catholic social teaching. We urge all Catholics to embrace this widely accepted agenda, not any single issue, and vote accordingly.

Women-Church Convergence unanimously approved of this at their recent annual meeting held in Chicago on October 10-12, 2008.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. junia has it exactly right. The Catechism states that "the education of conscience is indispensable for human beings who are subjected to negative influences and tempted by sin to prefer their own judgment and to reject authoritative teachings." (ccc 1783)

    An "INFORMED" science isn't free to do what it damned well pleases. You people are experts at bending and distorting Church teaching to make it appear to justify your schismatic actions.


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