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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Roman Catholic Womenpriests: Article on Bishop Dana Reynolds in California Catholic Daily-- Newspaper

Bishop Dana Reynolds, Roman Catholic Womanbishop, is the first U.S. bishop for Roman Catholic Womenpriests in the United States.

She officiated at the most recent ordinations in Chicago on Nov. 1, 2008. See photos in blog below of these historic ordinations.

"How many times can you be excommunicated?"

This article that appeared in a Catholic newspaper, communicates a positive message. In spite of the excommunications, the people of God are affirming Roman Catholic Womenpriests as we lead the way to a renewed Roman Catholic Church in which women take their rightful place as servant leaders. Bishop Dana Reynolds is the first U.S. bishop elected by the western region of the U.S. She serves as a spiritual director and volunteer hospice chaplain. She has presided at 7 of the 8 ordinations in the United States in 2008.


  1. Wow. Talk about queens of denial.
    Very funny stuff.

    All this has been done before. By the Episcopal Church, which is well on its way to being Unitarianism in drag.

    Why would the Church of Rome ever want to embrace an idea, to say nothing of a group of angry reality-deprived people, which would reduce it to the pathetic status of Anglicanism?

    I just shake my head. Join the Episcopal Church.

  2. There's nothing particularly new or pioneering about Protestantism.

    If and when the Church ordains women, we will do it together when we are ready. I believe it will be a cause for great joy; not this shabby, graceless sham.


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