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Monday, March 15, 2010

"The Catholic Church Should Free Its Priests From Celibacy" Article in Guardian/Vatican links cover-up with lack of women in hierarchy/Need for Reform
Editorial: The Observer:

"The arch-traditionalist cardinal Christoph Schönborn of Vienna is calling for an urgent examination of the celibate priesthood. The issue of women priests should also get an airing. As we report today, the Osservatore Romano, the Vatican newspaper, has published an analysis that links systemic cover-up of scandal to the dearth of women in the hierarchy. Allowing women priests, as the Church of England has done for over 15 years, would blow open the doors to an establishment can that, in its homogeneity, has become dangerously impenetrable and detached."
Bridget Mary's Response:
Is it possible that the Vatican is connecting the link between systemic cover-up of sandal and the lack of women in the hierarchy? I hope so.
If so, when will the Vatican change its policies and power structures so that women are equals in decision making in our church?
Right now, some of the bishops in the U.S. are making it known that they do not want women on the altar, and in the restructuring of their dioceses are letting go of women from professional ministry positions. See article on Diocese of Venice below as one example. There seems to be a trend developing around the country where women who volunteer and/or work for the church, are being once again treated as second class citizens. I wonder if some women will make the connection and stop contributing financially in a diocese that does not deem them worthy to serve on the altar when the bishop presides at liturgy.
Sexism is a sin, and should have no place in a church that follows Jesus, who had both female and male disciples. Discrimination based on gender was condemned by Vatican 11.
Why are some of our bishops moving backwards now? Women are at least half of the membership of our church. In the U.S. they did about 80% of parish ministry. Why are women, who love the church, work for the church as volunteers and ministers, being treated with such disdain by some bishops?
Meanwhile, Roman Catholic Womenpriests are growing in numbers and support from our communities. We are blazing a trail for equality for women in the Roman Catholic Church. Like Rosa Parks, who refused to give up her seat in front of the bus, Roman Catholic Womenpriests will not sit in the back of the Catholic bus. We are walking the prophetic path toward justice and equality for all. Women are welcomed and treated as equals in our communities.
My prayer is that more and more qualified women will come forward to join us as they say "yes" to their priestly vocations. What are you waiting for? The door to ordination is open.
I also pray that Pope Benedict will reveal the Vatican's role and responsibility in the clergy sexual abuse crisis. It is time to sweep the Catholic house clean, reform and renew the church. I pray that Pope Benedict will share his role and explain the letter to the bishops that demanded cases be reported to the CDF under "pontifical secrecy". Only the truth will lead to justice, healing and systemic change.
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP


  1. Bridget Mary, Consider:

    Is Celibacy the cause of the problems in the priesthood, or is it priests who do not live the vow?

    If the Church does away with Celibacy in the priesthood, should the Church also do away with marriage so adultry is no longer a problem?

    Is Marriage tha cause of adultry, or rather is it couples who don't take their marital vow seriously?

    If the church were to do away with celibacy, are the faithful willing to contribute more in the offering so the priest can make a wage that would support a family, and pay for a home for his family?

    Truth be told, Celibacy is a human tradition, something not essencial to the priesthood itself. The Church could change this teaching. However, in my mind if they are going to change it, it must be becasue the Church percieves it would be good for the Church, it cannot be to solve the abuse Crisis. Celibacy is not the cause of child abuse Bridget Mary. If it were, why to married people abuse children?

  2. Hello again Dear Bridget Mary,

    The discussion on whether women are to be admitted to the Sacrament of Holy Orders has been definitively settled. That discussion is not going to be open again.

    The Church is not moving
    "backwards" the Church is moving FORWARD. Bridget Mary, with all due respect to you, the 1970's are over, and have been over for 40 years now. The Church is not moving backward, the Church is finally moving out of the 1970's.

    Liturgical abberations such as Liturgical Dance are now being corrected. The music so popular in the 1970's-1990's Haugen/Dass "Gather" "Breaking Bread" music is being replaced with music the Church intended in her Liturgy: Sung Antiphons and chant.

    As for not allowing women on the altar, certainly there is nothing prohibiting them from serving at Mass, or extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, or lectors, or serving in leadership roles in chanceries. However, I would caution that any women who does hold a leadership position in the Church, (or any lay man for that matter) or exercises a ministry must be laity with proper dispositions.

    For example- we cannot have lay women or men serving as Diocesean Chancelors or vocation directors if they are going persecute the priests who are loyal and Faithful to the Church. This does happen in some dioceses. We cannot have lay women or men exercising ministries in the Church who think they are somehow entitled to exercise that ministry.

    But Bridget Mary, NO ONE, myself included is entitled to exercise a ministry in the Church. NO ONE. It is not a question of equality, but rather a question of WHAT IS PROPER. The lay person's vocation is IN THE WORLD, and therefore it is not generally FITTING for them to be exercising ministry IN THE SANCTUARY. That role belongs to the ordained. The vocation of the ordained is IN THE CHURCH, not in the world, therefore it is the ordained whose role is proper to the sanctuary.

    I submit there is an identity crisis among the clergy today, which is causing this misunderstanding of roles. Priests want to be lay people, and lay people want to be priests, all in the name of being "cool" "hip"
    "with it" and "in touch." There is a clericalization of the laity and a laicization of the clergy. Like it or not Bridget Mary, the roles in the Church are DISTINCT, and the NATURE of the Church is heirarchial.

    God Himself is heirarchial, why would the Church which is his creation, and created in His image, and meant to be a revelation of His Glory be somehow different?

  3. Apologist,
    May I suggest that you receive some sort of counseling. Your posts are becoming a scream of rants. It is clear you are troubled by change of an earlier time.
    Let it go. Let go of the power.
    Rant at your Tridentine Mass Celebrations.
    This RCWP movement is already out there and serving !
    Clearly that is something to support and help... Yes the whole idea of being a Catholic Christian !
    It has become very clear who you are.

  4. Linda,

    Typical, simply typical. You are so typical of the responses I get from your crowd. Rather then deal with my postings in a meaningful, rational, and intelligent way, you seek to throw ad hominum's at me.

    You know what? I just might need counseling- but what does that have to do with my posts? I submit your post is also a Red Herring!

    Rant at my Tridentine Mass celebrations? What a laugh! Do you even KNOW ME? If you did, you would know that I personally have no use for the Tridentine Mass! I have never even SEEN one celebrated, and have no desire to experience one! However, unlike certain people, I am OPEN to those who DO find the celebration of the Old Rite of benefit to their spirituality. There is nothing wrong with the Old Rite.

    You claim my posts are rants. Fine. What exactely would you identify as rants? Why would you identify it as such? As if Bridget Mary doesn't rant! What do you call complaining about a bishop who EGAD---- goes by the GIRM! I mean what does Bridget Mary think? Is he supposed to make it up as he goes along- as though the Mass is his personal property?

    I am seeking meaningful, rational, and intelligent dialog here Linda, not insults. If you want to have such a dialog, indicate when you are ready, and I will be all to happy to speak with you. I was very dissapointed to read your post to me. Linda, somehow I thik you are better then that.

  5. Hey trads!

    I really think we should go back to Aramaic, don't you? I mean, Jesus did not speak Latin. He spoke Aramaic. And, if we look at history, we see that the first official language of the church was Greek. I just cannot understand why so many of you want to head back to the Latin. (And I do actually do a reasonably good with Latin. But, I prefer my vernacular.)


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