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Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Roman Catholic Womenpriests: Response to Sex Abuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church - Women Priests, Married Priests, End Mandatory Celibacy

For Immediate Release:

Janice Sevre-Duszynska: 859-684-4247

Bridget Mary Meehan 703-505-0004, 941-955-2313


Roman Catholic Womenpriests Response to Sex Abuse Crisis in the Roman Catholic Church: Women Priests, Married Priests, End Mandatory Celibacy

Roman Catholic Womenpriests stand in solidarity with victims of clergy sex abuse throughout Europe and around the world who were sexually assaulted by Catholic clergy. The growing number of allegations of sexual abuse in Ireland, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the Netherlands indicate that the cover-up of crimes against children and youth in the Catholic Church goes all the way to the Pope and the Vatican. In the U.S. the sex abuse scandal has destroyed the lives of victims and their families, bankrupted some dioceses and cost the Church over two billion dollars.

The Vatican's record on child abuse was criticized at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland on March 16, 2010.

Pope Benedict, the former Archbishop Joseph Ratzinger of Munich, has been linked to the case of a German priest convicted of molesting children but allowed to continue to minister in Ratzinger’s archdiocese for more than 30 years until his recent suspension. Later, as head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Ratzinger was in charge of reviewing sexual abuse cases for the Vatican. The cases were handled under a strict code of pontifical secrecy. The Vatican has handled more than 3,000 cases, according to its own report. Since Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, is implicated in the handling of the cases, civil authorities should investigate the alleged cover-up to assure that transparency and justice is achieved.

Roman Catholic Womepriests call on the all-male leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, especially those in the Vatican, to admit their failures, including the abuse of power at the center of this crisis. Standards of accountability must be the norm for all, including the pope and hierarchy. We call for an independent truth commission made up of a broad representation of people of integrity, including victims of abuse and the non-ordained, to examine this global sexual abuse crisis and to chart a path forward to structural change - a change which would include women priests and married priests with an end to mandatory celibacy. Now more than ever our Church needs the wisdom and experience of women to re-birth a renewed community of equals empowered by the Spirit. Roman Catholic Womenpriests offer a collaborative model of an inclusive Church rooted in partnership with the people we serve, with no one excluded.


  1. Politicizing the abuse of the children... tsk tsk.

  2. Dr K,

    This is what these people live on: manufactured outrage and self righteous indignation. Where would they be without it?

    These folks THRIVE on this stuff. One wonders what they would have to do with their lives if the Church simply became the liberal, secular, atheistic, humanistic, modernistic, institution they want it be? Of course one wonders- why even bother with Church at that point? What distinguishes the Church from the rest of the world at that point?

    One wonders if Bridget Mary would support legeslation which seeks to remove the statute of limitations on public institutions in states like CA, Oregon, Arizona, etc, so that the victims who have been abused by employees of public insitutions can also have their day in court, and can also recieve financial renumeration for their sufferings.

    One also wonders why Bridget Mary thinks removing mandatory celibacy and allowing priests to marry will solve the problem. Does she think child abusers don't marry, or if they marry they will not abuse children? In short, does she believe marriage cures the disease of Pedophilia?

    Don't get me wrong- I would not be upset if the Church allowed priests to Marry- but since when is marriage a cure for disease? Secondly, how does Bridget Mary deal with the fact that in the Tradition of the Church once the wife of a priest died, he was bound to Celibacy, and if the priest was ordained PRIOR to marriage, he was bound to Celibacy?

    As I have said before: The problem is not celibacy, the problem is Pedophilia. Celibacy does not cause Pedophilia, and marriage will not cure it. But Bridget Mary doesn't want to be confused with the facts. Aparently she just likes to revel in her bitterness, manufactured outrage and you guessed it- self righteous indignation.

  3. Okay Guys,
    At least we agree on some things. Yes, this is just embarrassing for the entire Catholic Family. I had never realized the enormity of the number of complaints by region, diocese, state ect.
    I think that priests should be able to make a choice of celibacy. A family brings forth a nurturing support to all of us. I have seen many priests without the nurturing fall into alcoholism. That does not mean that all priests become alcoholics because of the lack of a nurturing supportive family unit, but it certainly does not help when they do not have the support.
    I would like to think that the point being made in the daily blog is the World wide enormity of the situation and the lack of swift removal and judicial processing for the accused. The 1911, 1922, and 1962 procedures for dealing with such situations (they specifically mentioned solicitation for sexual favors) made it clear that a report to the Bishop had to be made. The Bishop had to have direct knowledge and would deliver the information to the Vatican designated office. Again this was apparently not followed with many cases. Lack of accountability to the souls that trust them so much. Yes it does hurt to continue to read all of this, but sometime our atrocities must be faced or we may never solve them.
    Those involved in any cover up need to be out of the power positions, perhaps even have charges brought forth to them for liability. Just as any large corporation would do.
    We are all human beings.

    Apologist, Thank you for not typing in caps as that is considered screaming and yelling in the on line world !

    I do not know if you have actually met Bridget Mary, or any other of the RCWP, but I can assure you they are not "bitter" or "self righteous". They are loving, faithful church family members just as you and are.

    Pedophilia can be in families for several generations. However institutions such as churches, schools, child oriented businesses are supposed to have policy in place to investigate and conclude on such matters with due process and speed, while reporting t local law agencies.

    You are correct ...Marriage is not a cure for a criminal.
    If you go to the links that Bridget Mary posted with only the US cases, the numbers are overwhelming. Perhaps qualitative studies could be done on the preparation of the priests as the studied for the sacrament of Holy Orders. If you compare the high number of incidence, to other large organizations, there has to be something systemic that either was done or experienced in preparation or was not done. Only a qualitative study could reveal the data for that with the accused.

  4. And part 2 for the Guys,
    Your comment on "this is what these people live on is self righteous indignation ...." is so very incorrect. Let us not forget the past. Let us move on to a more secure future .

    I could also make an assumption that the reason you blog on this is because you are embarrassed about the abuses - BUT it would not make it necessarily true.

    You see Aplogist, you are sort of still being a judge on who you think these people are. Let that go ! Isn't our calling on this earth to share in God's glory and love ?
    I'm not reading or feeling the love in your posts ! It is okay to disagree, but to accuse and summarize, as you pointed out to me is incorrect. Just a little reminder.
    I think your blog and your posts are much more interesting to read when they are factual and not just your judgement about Bridget Mary. It makes you sound bitter in your debate. Just thought I would share that part.

    I am not a RCWP, but I do understand some of their callings to serve Our Lord and the people of the Lord. Prophetic Obedience and a love for our Lord and Catholic Church. Time and time again over centuries many procedures and policies have changed in the Holy Sea- You know the Holy See that is controlled by men ? And do not start on that but Jesus called forth men stuff.
    It is all about power and sexism. It is in every major religion on earth. Guys do not notice it because they are not being treated as second class humans. Jesus loved all of us. He invited all of us to his table, and to go forth and teach from it.
    Our Lord will be so pleased with us all when we end the sexism of second class human beings ...Women.
    And isn't interesting to note that the abusers are by far more numbered as males than females ? Women lived in community and men lived in isolation.

    I do believe we have a lot to learn from each other.


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