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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Toxic Atmosphere of Secrecy Must be Abolished in Catholic Church:

Toxic Atmosphere of Secrecy Must Be Abolished in Catholic Church
The atmosphere of secrecy created by Pope Benedict and the bishops have resulted in the current toxic environment. There is something radically wrong with a scandal-ridden, priest-short church that demands "pontifical secrecy" in handling sex abuse charges against clergy to protect the church's reputation, but excommunicates womenpriests and our followers for breaking a man-made law by serving the people in inclusive communities.

How can the Vatican claim that justice was done for victims or priests under "pontifical secrecy"-- if neither were present at secret trials?

Why do church workers have to swear a loyalty oath of blind obedience to the church including teachings not yet formulated?

Catholics worldwide should take action to resist these unjust demands by the hierarchy.
We need to ask ourselves, what would Jesus do in this situation and do it now.

Sex Abuse cases should be handled openly and justice must be done in all countries in the world. Child molestors should not be shuffled from one country to another, or one state to another as has happened in the past. Criminals should go to jail and those who obstruct justice should be punished. The process should be open and transparent.

The Pope and bishops must be accountable to the people of God. There should be no more domination tatics, no more "pontifical secrecy", no more loyalty pledges as condtion for employment. Open the windows and let the fresh air of reform renew the church.

It is time for systemic change. Women must have a seat at the table as equals in all areas of church life, including Holy Orders.

Roman Catholic Womenpriests are leading the way now toward a more just, open and accountable church in grassroots communities in partnership with our sisters and brothers who are ready for change now.
Bridget Mary Meehan

Cry Out as if you had a Million Voices.
It is Silence that Kills the World. - Catherine of Siena

Occasional words of wisdom become staples for rational living. One example is from Lord Acton: Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. Another is from Edmund Burke, whom we can paraphrase slightly: All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.The time has come for us to declare that we have lost confidence in the hierarchical leadership of the Roman Catholic Church. This is a result of our recognition of the tsunami of corrupt behavior and secrecy that has resulted in systemic sexual abuse of young people by many clergy and religious.
The perpetrators include the religious superiors, mainly bishops, who have enabled this to continue by covering up the criminal actions. It is obvious that the primary motivation of the leadership is to protect the presumed unsullied reputation of the institutional church, regardless of the consequences to mere human beings.
Therefore, we call for all clergy and religious, without exception, who have had personal knowledge of sexual abuse by others, and who did not take decisive action to stop it, to resign forthwith.
In addition, we call for the immediate abolition of the requirement for an oath of unquestioning obedience and a vow of secrecy by clergy and religious to their superiors. Such an oath of blind obedience has no place in a collegial organization. A vow of secrecy is antithetical to a true Christian community. Such practices are at the heart of the corruption of the present institutional church.
Send comments to or 1-877-700-ARCC (2722). ARCC-

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