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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"The Failed Papacy of Benedict XVI" SPIEGEL Staff

"The pope's reluctance to take a firm stance on sexual abuse by
priests is expanding into a crisis for the Catholic Church and
fueling outrage over his papacy. Some Catholics are now even calling on Benedict, who has committed a series of gaffes since becoming pope in 2005, to resign."
By SPIEGEL staff.,1518,687374,00.html


  1. People are calling on the pope to resign? No! Really? Gee, this just came out of nowhere! I would have never expected it!

    Come off it Bridget Mary-- more of your typical self righteous indignation. like I said you are a one trick pony. Are you even able to discuss normal things for a change?

    Bridget Mary I would like your comment about the ruling declaring it perfectly legal for a minor to take her clothing off in a strip club becasue it is considered
    "artistic." Do you consider that child abuse- or is it only child abuse if a priest happens to be present at the strip club while she is doing this? Yes, I don't recall any "outrage" over that decision. I don't recall any calls for the judge's resignation. I don't recall any demands that the stip club close shop. Funny, isn't it?

    I just LOVE the double standards don't you Bridget Mary?

  2. Apologist,

    Study the STATE laws ! A 17 year old in the particular case (mentioned on your blog and now on Bridget Mary's by you) is an adult.

    17 year olds go to big jail. That is the law.
    Under 17 year olds go to juvenile detention.

    Surely you do not define the age for adults and juveniles for every State ?

    While this may not be what any of us want for a 17 year old, it was legal in the State law due to age. End of Story.

  3. Linda,

    I thought anyone under 18 years of age is considered a minor in the United States. Is this not true?

    Actually I am rather surprised that 17 is considered an adult. In fact the way I understand it- the only reason it is legal is becasue the judge ruled a certain way-- in other words by ruling stripping as an art form, that makes it legal. However if it was not an art form, but just stripping, it is illegal.

    Is this not accurate?

  4. By the way dear Bridget--- the pope ain't gonna resign, so you might as well get that idea out of your head.

    But then again- women are never going to be ordained priests either- yet you still seem to be in denial about that too, so what the heck. If it makes you feel better to believe the pope might resign, hey- I am an open minded guy. Believe whatever you want- just realize that what you believe, and what reality is are two different things.

    You do know the old addage? "Denial ain't just a riven in Egypt?"

  5. Linda,

    A question for you:

    Let's say that the law defines 16 as adulthood. Let's say 15 as adulthood.

    Do you see where I am going with this? Would you be so quick to say "Well shucks, that's the law. We might not agree with it, but that's the law."

    Again, Linda, why are you not outraged? Why is Bridget Mary not outraged? Why are you not blogging about changing the law so the law goes from being unjust to being just? Is a law just that says a 17 year old kid can strip for grown men? When the law suits the Catholic Church, are you so quick to say "Well, that's the law, nothing we can do. That's the way it is, that's the way the cookie crumbles." No, the two of you would be working with SNAP, and the ACLU, and anyone else you could find to rally the state to CHANGE the law.

    Again, don't you just love the double standards? When it does not involve the Catholic Church, you are content to say "That's the law, that's the way the cookie crumbles" and leave it at that. When it DOES involve the Catholic Church it is "Change the law so that Catholic Church can be made to PAY!"

    How about you and SNAP, and Bridget Mary lobby the state legeslature of that state to pass a law defining adulthood as 18- THEN make the law retroactive so the strip club can be prosecuted, and sued? No, can't do that! It doesn't involve the Catholic Church! It wouldn't be fair unless it was the Catholic Church!

    I LOVE the double standards! I LOVE THEM!

  6. Apologist --

    You are truly an expert at mixing apples and oranges and expecting to come up with bananas.

    Your hatred for women is really reached the point of disgusting. What is your problem????

  7. Rav,

    What are you talking about?

    So you are saying it is perfectly alright for a minor to take off her cloaths in a stip club becasue some judge somewhere says it is an "art?"

    And I am the one who hates women?


  8. By the way, don't tell me "Cloaths" is spelled "Clothes" because I know.

  9. Apologist --

    I am not saying it is right at all. I am simply reiterating the law. If the law needs to be changed, then the proper methods need to be employed.

    Quite frankly, I think it is horrible that a 17 year old can legally strip. But, what is legal and what is moral are two different things.

    And I really don't care how you spell KLOZE.

  10. Rav,

    But that is my point! The law is unjust yet I hear no outrage from SNAP, or Bridget Mary, or you, or "Call to Action" or "Voice of the (ahem) 'Faithful'" (Voice of the UNFaithful more accurately describes that group) etc. You are all quite content to say "Well, we don't like it but that's the way the cookie crumbles!"

    Yet when it comes to "opening windows" and changing the law when it will somehow hurt the Catholic Church,(yet give public institutions as pass) SNAP and all those groups lobby the states to change the law. They also lobby for the law to be "retroactive." None of them say "Well, we don't like it, but that's the way the cookie crumbles." No, they ACTIVELY work to change the law, and they have succeded in many cases.

    Here they can do the same thing if they want- yet they seem quite disinterested! Why? Because the Catholic Church doesn't own the strip club where this happened. Therefore, they don't care.

    That is what I mean when I say I love the doublt standards! This is what I mean when I say the issue is not the protection of children, but rather using the scandal as cover to push the REAL agenda: Take the Church down.

    Rav, I see right thought it all, I am not fooled.

  11. You may not be fooled but you are definitely WRONG.

  12. Apologist,
    I think that you are ranting at the wrong persons. Like it or not, 17 in many states is an adult. That is the law. I am not saying that it is the best law (I wrote this to you on your blog).

    If we all want to focus on the legal age then lobby to do so at your local level.

    If you want to change families and children, get involved in your county and local child care organizations. Get involved in your schools (public and private). Get involved in local level politics and grow from there.

    You are really letting the ACLU and SNAP people get to you. It shows on your own blog and now this blog too.

    I have seen angry Mothers get laws changed that were unjust. I have seen neighborhoods reclaimed because people unite. I have seen pedophile parents, uncles, aunts, and even pedophile siblings go to jail. Under age of 17 and over age of 17. These statements apply to rural and urban areas. Crime knows no socio or social capital limit, especially sexual crimes.

    Apologist, you have to be active in your community, not just the church community. We Catholics do not make all of the laws for every state.

    I am not trying to take the church down. People who would want to do that would leave the church and decline the active membership.
    No that is not me.

    I am called to serve. I am called to be a servant of the MOST loving Lord Jesus Christ ! I try my best to walk my day through my vocation (my employment). I do not belong to a religious order and have not joined one, I just know that my calling is to try to ask Our Lord EACH day, "how may I serve you Lord ?".
    Just try making plans for tomorrow and we all see who is really in charge of us ! Yes we have free will, but mine is to serve the Lord !

    Do not let the cause and effect games of the law drag you down. Just take each day and serve !

    I am not taking down the church - I am supporting every human as an (the church calls it) image of Christ.

    You said "what is legal and what is moral are two different things".

    Live your morals as an example and become involved in decision making groups - laws will always be changed with participation and time.


  13. Linda,

    I hadn't seen your comment on my blog, but perhaps I have not been looking hard enough. I will go back to my blog and look for it.


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