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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good Shepherd Ministry: A Report from Judy Lee, a Roman Catholic Womanpriest, of Service to Homeless in Ft. Myers, Florida

April GSM Ministry Report: 3/2/10-4/20/10
“You have turned my mourning into dancing” says Psalm 30:11, and these seven weeks have borne witness to this Psalm. We have experienced the mourning that comes when one who has done well with us in Joshua House stumbles and falls back into substance abuse and takes others with him, causing us to question whether our program without a live-in supervisor is a philosophy that really works. And we have experienced mourning for our two Board members, Stella and Doreen who are very ill, and the loss of a strong supporter, Joyce Pinney, an elder from Lamb of God who died and had the kindness to ask that her Memorial gifts be shared with this ministry. Yet, we have experienced the joys of some returning to our ministry who seemed to have been lost. We also stood beside one of our men, Shannon as he faced a cancer diagnosis and the successful removal of a cancerous kidney. Even as he went through this, he finally got into his first home with Goodwill housing and his SSI was finally approved-mourning into joy. And the joys of the faithfulness of a few others, like Mr. Gary who is now joining our Board and who sticks with us no matter what! And, there is Brenda who gets a ride here from Port Charlotte, and Tom who set out from North Fort Myers on a Sunday to bike to church and had a flat tire. Although he was not very far from his new home, he decided to walk the whole way here, a distance of 6-7 miles. He did this in thankfulness for his home. This was the same Sunday morning that our Joshua House resident caused a great deal of trouble-and it lifted my heart. A month later, we had the joy of baptizing a Grandmother and two of her grandchildren. She brings ten of her grandchildren with her to church and there are the seeds of our children’s program. And, finally, through our help, our Mother without legal status was approved for her Green card(permit to work here) and got it, changing everything for herself and her family. Weeping at night-Joy in the morning-mourning into dancing…and so it is with our ministry.
Tuesday Services
Since January we have served over 303 meals on Tuesdays, most frequently provided by Lamb of God volunteers, thanks to Sally Patterson’s careful coordination. This does NOT count seconds and those are usual. (On Sundays we have served over 414 meals bringing our total to over 717 meals in less than four months). Additionally we have provided weekly and biweekly food, including meat and staples, for three large families and many individuals.
Seven of our people had their SSI, SSDI or Social Security approved since January, five during the period of this report. Three others were guided through the process of applying and documenting. Four who were denied were referred to a lawyer that we trust and one of those, Shannon, just got his funds. Three got into Goodwill Housing in April, and three have been involved in the second step for Royal Palm Senior Housing. Nine began mental health services through Vista and many have begun to use the health care system to manage serious illnesses. Two families were rescued from losing their housing, and many were given the help they needed to maintain health and housing.
Joshua House
Joshua House has now accepted its seventeenth resident, an older gentleman, Ken, 61, who awaits senior housing. He has very serious illnesses that he is also attending to as he lives with us. He will attend AA meetings at least once a week and his remaining with us is contingent upon daily sobriety. He is helpful and generous to others with rides in his truck and local transporting. We are hopeful as he has entered the final stage of acceptance to Royal Palm and is also willing to accept any of GWI’s Housing sites. We have one bed available and have three on the waiting list that we are considering.
Five of our formerly homeless people are maintaining subsidized housing but have zero income as neither a job nor Disability income has come through for them. We have been helping them financially and with paper goods, etc. but on an as needed basis. We are hoping to find a way to give each a small regular stipend so they have some pocket money until they have an income. Their situations are very stressful to them.
We also hope to develop a time-limited summer program for children/youth, perhaps providing some small stipend to mothers and youth who can help us with this program.
We are thankful for our faithful Board members and for all of the volunteers and supporters, near and far who help us turn mourning into joy and dancing with the love of community.
Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Judy Lee

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