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Monday, July 19, 2010

If Catholics Stop Giving, the Vatican May Start Listening

St. Catherine of Siena, a courageous reformer and doctor of the church lived at a time when three men, each claiming to be pope shook the church to its foundation.
Catholics today live in a time where a grave, global sex abuse scandal is rocking the church.
Now is the time for Catholics to follow the example of St. Catherine of Siena whose rallying cry was:
"cry out as if you had a million voices, it is silence the kills the world."
Sisters and brothers in the Catholic community, it is time to cry out, speak up, and stop giving until the Vatican makes the changes that will transform the church into a people-empowered partnership where equality and justice for all are a reality for all.

Let us say no to sexism and second-class citizenship for women in our church.
Let us say yes to the full equality of women in all positions of leadership including Holy Orders.
Let us say" no "to the abuse of power by our church hierarchy who protected pedophiles who raped and molested children and youth.
Let us hold the bishops and Vatican accountable for failing to intervene and stop the shuffling of predators from place to place, country to country.
Let us support survivors of sexual abuse on their path to justice and healing.
Let us reflect Christ's love and transparency in all our actions.

Sometimes, it takes "tough love" to effect change, I believe, faithful Catholics, this is one of these times! All those who believe in justice and equality for women, unite, take action, and be a catalyst to transform our church!

Send the message , better yet, be the message, that womenpriests have your support. Continue to call forth women to serve your communities. We will endure the Vatican's toughest sanctions and whatever persecution they cook up, and one day, with God's help and your support, triumph!
Then Catholics will be served by male and female priests, and the Vatican will promote womenpriests!

Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

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