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Friday, October 1, 2010

"Oak Park priest joins parish in pushing for female priests"/ Chicago Sun Times,CST-NWS-priest28.article

September 28, 2010

"More than 600 members of a Roman Catholic parish in Oak Park signed a petition that expresses "solidarity" with "those who support women and married men who are called to ordination."

Among those to sign: the pastor, the Rev. Larry McNally, who delivered the signatures to his boss, Cardinal Francis George, earlier this month.

The Catholic Church only ordains men -- almost always unmarried men -- as priests. Women who go through "unofficial" ordination ceremonies are ex-communicated.

Earlier this year, the Vatican included the "attempted sacred ordination of a woman" in its updated list of "more grave crimes" against church law. The document also included changes the Vatican said were designed to crack down on pedophile priests.

Many Catholics were outraged by both issues being included in the same document, believing the church saw both as equal offenses. However, a Vatican official told reporters the document did not ''assign them the same gravity.''

The petition signed by members of Ascension Parish takes aim at that notion, saying "we take great offense that good faith struggles for gender equality could be misunderstood as a sacrilege and placed on a par with the sexual abuse of children."

Bridget Mary's Reflection:

The revolution has begun, Men in the Vatican watch out! Women in the church in Ireland in the U.S. and around the world will no longer accept second class status in the church, 300 priests in Ireland have put women's equality in the church on their agenda, now more U.S. priests like Fr. Larry and their parishoners are standing up in solidarity with women priests, making an official statement and signing a petition. Grassroots Catholics are rising up to claim our baptismal equality in Christ. The voice of God in our time is the full equality of women. Roman Catholic Womenpriests are leading the church into a fuller awareness that sexism is a sin and that it is time for women priests. Bridget Mary Meehan,, 703-505-0004


  1. From what I read, this pastor has been a loose canon for some time. He even had a pedophile priest serving on his staff.

    Praise the Lord that Card. George retires in less than two years. Chicago could use a good scrub down to clean out this Spirit of Vatican II filth.

  2. ¡Felicidades a los feligreses de esta parroquia! Ojalá se extienda su ejemplo y, de manera pacífica, la jerarquía de la Iglesia admita de una vez que Dios llama a quien quiere El, sin tener que perdir permiso a "sus representantes"


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