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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Vatican Refuses Permission for Filming of Victims of Clergy Abuse to Gather at St. Peters Square

October 26, 2010

Boston Massachusetts

For Immediate Release
Gary Bergeron / 978-606-3193
Bernie McDaid / 617-529-2029

Survivors Voice Inc

Vatican Refuses Permission for Filming of Victims of Clergy Abuse to Gather at

St. Peters Square

October 26, 2010 Boston Massachusetts: Survivors Voice ( co-founders Gary Bergeron & Bernie McDaid plan to move ahead with the Reformation Day event on Sunday, October 31, 2010.

Survivor's Voice was informed today that the Vatican social communications officer, Mr. Scelzo, began informing members of the media yesterday that they will not be allowed to cover the Reformation Day event or film from the grounds of the Vatican. Survivors Voice has also been denied permits for victims of clergy abuse to gather as a group on Vatican property.

The event which is described as "A gathering of people from around the globe standing together with survivors of childhood sexual abuse in one united voice to say "Enough!" will go on as planned at the City Square in front of the Castel Sant'Angelo in Rome beginning at 6:00 pm on Sunday Evening, October 31st.

"Although we are disheartened by the news, we are not discouraged. An invitation was extended to them for what could have been a moment in time that may have helped heal victims of abuse. They said no. With groups of survivors and individuals coming from over a dozen countries around the world, we have been forced to move our event to 500 meters away from St. Peters Square, but we will proceed. What began as humble expectations has grown to the point where we are humbled by the numbers of survivors who will be making the journey to stand with us and say 'Enough'. It was one thing for the Vatican to say that we were not welcomed, but now to hear that they are trying to stop people around the world joining us in sprit, by attempting to stop the filming of anything that happens at St. Peter's square is quite frankly, Enough."

This event will include the introduction of a petition calling on the United Nations to define and include the Systemic Sexual Abuse of Children under Article 7 of its charter definitions of Crimes Against Humanity. (

For more information visit

Contact: Gary Bergeron / 978-606-3193

Contact: Bernie McDaid / 617-529-2029

End Release---------------------------------------------------------------------

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
How sad that the Pope and Bishops will not meet with you and embrace you in St. Peter's Square. In my view, it is an opportunity of grace for the hierarchy to ask forgivenesss, and to pledge justice and reform. But, know that you have many sisters and brothers in the Catholic community who support you on your journey to healing. We stand in solidarity with you as you call the Vatican to do justice for survivors of sexual abuse, and to adopt new structures of accountability. We hold you in our hearts as you journey to Rome. We too join you in saying, "enough"
Bridget Mary Meehan RCWP, Oct. 26, 2010.

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