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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Belgioum Archbishop's Press Officer Calls It Quits/NCRArticle

Belgium archbishop's press officer calls it quits

by John A. Dick

Nov. 03, 2010

BRUSSELS -- "Saying his "bucket is full" the press officer for controversial Belgium Archbishop André-Joseph Léonard quit his job yesterday.
In a Nov. 2 announcement, Jürgen Mettepenningen compared Léonard's leadership to a reckless driver headed in the wrong direction."
"In October, Léonard seemed to drop exploding bombs every time he met the press. AIDS, he said, is a matter of "immanent justice" for people who misuse their bodies. Homosexuality is a form of human sexuality that has developed in the wrong way and is a disease like anorexia. And most recently —- retired pedophile priests should not be prosecuted but allowed to live out their remaining years in tranquility."

"The Belgian secular press said Léonard's statements were outlandish and disgusting. European Union President Herman Van Rompuy, a Belgian, said in a press conference that he is "shocked, disgusted and angered" about what is happening in the contemporary Belgian church. "
John A. Dick is a retired historical theologian and long-term resident of Belgium. He currently serves as director of the Jean Jadot Chair for the Study of Religion and Values in Society being established at both Louvain universities.)

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
Priests and or bishops are not above the law. Clericalism is one of the major issues at the heart of the sexual abuse crisis. We all need to say enough! We also need to find ways, including financial organizations, to support whistle blowers in our church especially those who risk the ire of the hierarchy. Are there any Catholics who want to start such a foundation? I sure hope so.


  1. Why don't you start such a foundation?

    Oh, that's right- your not Catholic. I forgot. Please forgive!

  2. Apologist --

    You do not have the right to call someone NOT a Catholic.

    Even if Bridget Mary's excommunication were valid -- which I do not believe it is, she would still be a Catholic. Excommunication does NOT remove a person's Catholic identity.

  3. RAV,

    Tell me: Was Martin Luther still Catholic when he founded Lutheranism?

  4. Apologist --

    Yes. He always maintained he was Catholic. Further, he always maintained he was a Catholic priest. He goal was reformation. There was a great deal of corruption in the church -- and he wanted to clean it up.

    Have you ever read the 95 theses? Almost every one has been adopted by the Church. Luther was really on target.

  5. Rav,

    You are something else.

    True, Luther called for reform, and true some of the things he called for were right on. True, the Church adopted those things. The reformation of the moral corruption was right on. However you as well as I know that Luther wanted to go beyond that and started to attack DOCTRINE. That is where he went tooo far.

    Rav, it is also one thing to say "Oh, yes, I am still Catholic" quite another to actually BE Catholic.

    Calling yourself Catholic and BEING Catholic are not one in the same. catholocism isn't in the NAME it is in the SUBSTANCE.

    I agree that Bridget Mary and friends are Catholic by NAME, but that is a deep as their Catholocism runs.

  6. Apologist --

    Part of the problem is that Luther was a man ahead of his time. I am certain that if you think about it for a few minutes, you will realize that if Luther lived today, his phone would ring and the Pope would be on the other end and he would say something like this: "Martin, wir mussen sprechen. Kommen Sie schnell nach Rome. Sie konnen dann erklaren was Sie meinen. Ich kann es nicht verstehen und wir mussen alles richtig haben. Nachste Wochenende? Gut! Bis spater."


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