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Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Emily and Rosemary Fund Supports Courageous Women who have lost jobs because of injustice in the Roman Catholic Church

I was delighted to read in the current issue of Equal Writes (October-January 2011) about the start-up of a new fund to support courageous women. Indeed, there are many women who have lost jobs in the Roman Catholic Church because of discrimination or injustice.

Now, the Emily and Rosemary Fund provide a way that we can offer our financial support to these gutsy women.
Lynette Petruska, an attorney in St. Louis, MO, made the first donation of $75,000. Thank you, Lynette and all the donors who have started the ball rolling.
Voice of the Faithful administers this fund , known as Emily and Rosemary Fund- and has begun to accept applications for grants.

To find out more about this fund, go to or Write to
Voice of the Faithful
P.O. Box 423, Newton
Upper Falls, MA. 02464

Blessings to VOTF and all involved in this fund,
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP


  1. The "Voice of the 'Faithful'" administer this fund?

    What exactely is Faithful about the "Voice of the Faithful?" I think a more accurate description of the organization is "Voice of the UNfaithful." It is after all, nothing more then a group of dissadent Catholics with an ax to grind.

  2. Apologist --

    What is UNfaithful about questioning and trying to improve?

    Clearly you belong to the branch of the Church that requires the checking of the brains at the door. You might want to try the Church of the Real World some day.

  3. Ojalá hubiera más personas valientes en la Iglesia y más fieles dispuestos a apoyarles económicamente.

    Muchas cosas ya habrían cambiado.

    Este "Apologista" debería hacer honor a su alias y razonar mejor.

  4. Rav,

    Before I respond to your question, let me just thank you for at least talking to me and responding to my posts. I may give the impression from my posts that I am some sort of a prude or miser, but nothing is further from the truth. I can disagree with someone and yet still be friends or professional with them. I don't take disagreements personally.

    If I ever met Bridget in person I would be polite and nice. I do consider her "ordained" to ministry as much as I consider a Lutheran or Anglican minister is "ordained" to ministry. They are Reverends, or ministers, or pastors, etc, in their denomination, but they are not Catholic priests, even if they might be called a priest. Anglicans for example are called "priests" but they are certianly not "priests" in the Catholic sense of the word.

  5. Rav,

    On to your question.

    There is nothing wrong with asking questions. I don't even think it is that wrong to PRIVATELY disagree with a Church teaching. Everyone no matter how Catholic are probably Cafeteria Catholics in one form or another. Everyone has teachings of the Church they prefer, and teachings of the Church they do not prefer. That does not make it right, but I think it is reality.

    However, unlike the liberals, I WOULD maintain that if a person does privately disagree with a Church teaching, the problem is not with the Church, but with the person. My issue with liberals is that they think everything BUT the Church is the standard by which Truth ought to be measured. They tend to minimize Church teaching as though it is irrelavent and look to pop culture for what the Church ought to teach.

    As I have said before, the role of the Church is not to conform to pop culture/society, but rather to transform pop culture/society. In short, society ought to conform to the Church, not the other way around.

    What is wrong with questioning? Nothing- if the purpose of questioning is truth seeking, if the purpose of questioning is to more fully understand the Church's position on some issue. If however the purpose of questioning is more sinister, that is to say to try and get the Church to change a teaching, or to protest a Church teaching, etc, then it is wrong.

  6. Rav,

    Finally: What is so "UNfaithful" about "Voice of the 'Faithful?'"

    There is a link

    What might have started out as a group of Catholics with good intentions has essencilaly morphed into yet another group of angry, bitter, ex-catholic/liberal catholic dissidents who have hi-jacked the abuse scandal and use it to push their agenda.

  7. Rav,

    Sorry, the link got cut off. Here is the rest of it:



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