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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Equally Blessed Coalition Accuse Diocese of Colorado Springs of "Bad Theology"/Need Equally Blessed InclusiveTheology Worthy of God and our Church

contact: Jim Naughton, 202-288-5125,

"Coalition urges Catholics to recognize fruits of lifelong, committed relationships"

January 20, 2011—
Equally Blessed, a coalition of four Roman Catholic organizations that support full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families both in the church and in civil society, today called upon the Diocese of Colorado Springs to reconsider its decision to offer a 12-step program for LGBT Catholics in which participants are asked to state that they are “defective.”
“We are all sinners, but in this instance, the sin lies not in gay and lesbian Catholics, but in those who describe children of God in such demeaning language,” said Frank DeBernardo, executive director of New Ways Ministry, an Equally Blessed partner.

“The notion that homosexuality is an illness similar to alcoholism or addiction to narcotics finds no support in psychological literature,” DeBernardo added. “But you don’t need an advanced degree to understand that the fruits of lifelong, committed, monogamous relationships are quite different than the damage and heartache done by chemical dependencies.”
Colorado Springs Bishop Michael Sheridan has said that the diocesan program is different than the widely discredited “reparative therapy” programs favored by organizations such as Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, and seeks only to support participants in living a chaste life.
“We appreciate the bishop’s pastoral intentions and his rejection of reparative therapy, but this 12-step initiative points out a contradiction at the core of church teaching,” said Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of DignityUSA, an Equally Blessed partner.

“Catholics are taught that heterosexual celibacy is an act of heroic sacrifice accomplished through special grace, while homosexual celibacy is simply mandatory—part of the hand thatGod dealt you. Perhaps unwittingly, the church has made God the author of human prejudice. And that’s not very good theology.

“There are many community programs and churches in Colorado Springs that can provide support for LGBT people and families seeking to live with integrity and joy,” said Duddy-Burke.“We encourage people who are interested to find places that will offer affirmation and positive guidance.”

Equally Blessed suggests that Catholics who support equality for lesbian, gay bisexual and transgendered people share their views with Bishop Sheridan by writing him at the DiocesanPastoral Center, 228 N. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903.

Equally Blessed is a coalition of Call To Action, DignityUSA, Fortunate Families, and New Ways Ministry. We are faithful Catholics who have worked more than a combined 112 years to support full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people and their families both in the church and in civil society.

Casey Lopata, Fortunate Families, Inc. PO Box 18082 Rochester, NY 14618-0082585-698-6100

Bridget Mary's Reflection: "Reject Defective Theology, Gay, Lesbian and Transgendered are Equally Blessed/ Need Inclusive Theology Worthy of God and our Church"

How long, O God, how long will it take for the institutional Roman Catholic Church to affirm gays, lesbians and the transgendered as beloved sisters and brothers, equally blessed and not "defective." It is ironic that the hierarchy continue to push the "bad theology" that LGBT Catholics are "defective ", when according to experts, like Father Donald Cozzens, 50% of Roman Catholic clergy are gay!

"Father Donald Cozzens, an author, psychologist, and Catholic seminary president says that there is such a high percentage of gay priests in the church that he is concerned that 'the priesthood is or is becoming a gay profession.' In his book, "The Changing Face of the Priesthood," -- published in the year 2000 -- he estimates that 50% of Roman Catholic priests have a homosexual orientation."

"Richard Sipe, a psychotherapist and former priest, has studied celibacy, chastity, and sexuality in the priesthood for four decades. He has authored three books on the topic. He is quoted as estimating that between 25% and 45% of American priests are homosexual in orientation. Dr. Richard Sipe told the Boston Globe: "If they were to eliminate all those who were homosexually oriented, the number would be so staggering that it would be like an atomic bomb; it would do the same damage to the church's operation...It would mean the resignation of at least a third of the bishops of the world. And it's very much against the tradition of the church; many saints had a gay orientation, and many popes had gay orientations. Discriminating against orientation is not going to solve the problem." See article for more statistics and analysis by church experts:

It is time for the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church to step out of the closet of fear and denial and acknowledge the reality that no one, including priests and bishops with a homosexual orientation are defective. Imagine what a change that would bring in the Catholic Church! Imagine Pope Benedict affirming an "equally blessed" theology in a new pastoral letter!
We believe God does not make junk, and all persons are created in God's image. Therefore, all are equals in God's family. Our gay, lesbian and transgendered sisters and brothers have suffered too long in our homophobic institutional Roman Catholic Church. Let us profess and live the acceptance, gratitude and love that is in the heart of God for all. Now, this is an inclusive "equally blessed"theology that is worthy of our God, our LGBT sisters and brothers and the Roman Catholic Church.
Bridget Mary Meehan, RCWP

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