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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Maryknoll Reinstates School of Americas Watch Funding

"A spokesperson for Maryknoll confirmed the news today. "SOA Watch has given us assurances that the funds will be used strictly for their work and that's why we restored those funds," Maryknoll's Mike Virgintino told NCR."A check for the grant, which totals $10,000, was sent to SOA Watch in December, SOA Watch organizers said. The news became public when Call to Action sent an e-mail to supporters yesterday."
..."In a May 24 statement regarding its original decision to pull its support of SOA Watch, Maryknoll wrote it could not “continue its financial support of that organization without giving the impression that it also supports the actions of its leader concerning the issue of women’s ordination.”
"Since the decision to pull funding, 19 separate church and social justice organizations signed onto a letter to Maryknoll encouraging its reinstatement, Call to Action said in their e-mail."
"Said Bourgeois: “I’ve been with the community for 42 years, a priest for 38 years with them, and Maryknoll is my family, my community. To be very honest, I really don’t understand why Maryknoll, who is so well known for its work for justice, will not address this injustice of the exclusion of women as equal members in our church. And so we were very happy. This is a real expression of solidarity and it means a lot to us.”
[Joshua J. McElwee is an NCR staff writer. His e-mail address is]

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
There is growing momentum for our Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement in many areas of the world. So, the Vatican is pushing back with all its might! In the end, justice for women in the church will prevail because sexism is always wrong and the second class citizenship of women in the church is contrary to Jesus' example in the Gospels.. The full equality of women in the church including the ordination of women in a renewed priestly ministry, will triumph because women are equal images of God, and are worthy to preside at the altar.
I believe that religious orders like Maryknoll are under pressure from the Vatican to distance themselves from any action that might imply support of women priests. Fr. Roy Bourgeois, a faithful Maryknoll priest, is a prophet for justice for all-- including women in the church. He continues to speak out and stand in solidarity with the Roman Catholic Women Priests movement. I hope that the Maryknoll Order will soon publically follow Fr. Roy's example and speak out publically in support of the full equality of women in the church. Brava, Father Roy, for your courage and vision. You are on the right side of history and have set an example for all of us.
Bridget Mary Meehan RCWP


  1. And as I continue to point out Bridget Mary, you have yet to prove to us or show us in any meaningful way that a male only Presbyterate is sexism.

    The Church is a Society which does not conform to the ways of the world. It is a Society all it's own, with other worldy values. The Church believes the sexes are equally human, but they are distinct in the ways in which holiness and vocation is lived out.

    The problem with feminism is that it is actually sexist. Feminism asserts essencially that the only way women can be happy is by imitating men! In this case Bridget Mary you are basically placing your happiness and fulfillment in doing what men can do, namely priesthood.

    Women are not called to the priesthood anymore then men are called to get pregnant. Seconldy, the Bible and the Church through the ages actually portray and hold up women as the STRONGER sex. Think about that Bridget Mary.

  2. Several comments.

    First, why does the church have 7 sacraments for men but only 6 for women? It would seem that if there were true equality and that your claim for male only presbyterate, then Holy Orders wouldn't be a sacrament.

    Second, true feminism should be a term that is working its way out of existence. I am not saying it is at the moment -- but that is the way it should be. When feminism is accomplished, everything will be EQUALISM. And, it won't make any difference whether a person is male or female -- regardless of the position.

    Third, how can you relate the priesthood with getting pregnant? Does not compute! I am beginning to think that your knowledge of biology is somewhere close to non-existent.

  3. RAV,

    Actually the norm in the Church is 6 for six. In other words, generally, if a man becomes a priest, then marriage is ruled out. Conversly if a man gets married, priesthood is generally ruled out. Are there exceptions? Sure- but since when do we base the rule on the exception?

    In any case- your little numbers game with the sacraments almost sounds like a little child complaining becasue big brother got one more gift on Christmas day then they did--and drawing the conclusion that mom and day most love big brother more becasue he got one more gift.

    Is that really what you want to say RAV? Is that how we should view the Grace of God? We should turn God's gifts into a numbers game, and keep track like little kids?

    Seconldy, why does it follow Rav, that if a man can potentially recieve 7 sacraments, a women must likewise be able to? Perhaps if the Sacraments were something God OWED us, you MIGHT have a point worth examining. But since God OWES us nothing, and the sacraments are GIFTS, I fail to see why he owes a women 7 sacraments, just becasue a man CAN recieve 7 sacraments.

  4. You forgot to answer my question about relating priesthood with pregnancy.


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