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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Take Action for Justice and Peace: Close the School of the Americas

Call-In Day to Close the SOA - Call 202-224-3121

Today, SOA Watch activists are swarming Capitol Hill, urging Members of Congress to join the chorus for the closing of the School of the Americas
and to ad their signature to the Congressional sign-on letter that is urging President Obama to shut down the SOA/ WHINSEC by executive order.
Please take 3 minutes right now to amplify the voices of those who are making the lobby visits today:
Call the Capitol Hill Switchboard (202-224-3121) and ask to be transferred to your Representative's office (you only need to know your ZIP code).
Ask to speak with the foreign affairs legislative assistant.

Take careful notes during the call, and let us know about how it went! A possible call script could look like the following: "As a constituent living in _________, I am calling Congressman/woman ________ to urge him/her to contact Rep. McGovern and ask to sign the Congressional sign-on letter directed at President Obama, urging him to shut down the School of the Americas, renamed the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Just like the School of the Americas, WHINSEC has allowed known human rights abusers to instruct and receive training at the school. Argentina and Uruguay are two of five countries that have made public announcements they will no longer send students to the school, citing the negative image and history of this institution. Despite demands by Congress to have oversight over the curriculum and promote human rights, the Pentagon is now denying all requests to provide information to human rights organizations and the public about students and graduates of the school. I urge you to contact Cindy Buhl in Representative McGovern's office and ask that you r boss be a signer to the Congressional sign-on letter to President Obama. I hope you will represent my views and support this letter." Remember to contact SOA Watch Legislative Coordinator Alison Snow at with any response you receive! Thank you! We appreciate your interest! You are subscribed to the SOA Watch list as Contact us. Our mailing address is: SOA Watch, PO Box 4566, Washington, D.C. 20017, USA
Our telephone: (202) 234 3440

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