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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Federation of Christian Ministries Assembly 2011/ Ministering in One Biosphere/ Highlights and Photos

Dramatic Portrayal of Harriet Tubman

by IIene Evans at closing brunch

Peter Brennan, bishop, Married Priests Now,

Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP,

Mariellen Mayers, RCWP, Andrea Johnson, RCWP

Bill Manseau (newly ordained bishop/Married Priests Now,

Bridget Mary Meehan)

Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP, Gerry Grudzen,

President of Global Ministries University and

Andrea Johnson, RCWP

Ministering in One Biosphere addressed ministering with empathy and with a compassionate heart as well as with wisdom ---contributing to the well-being of others in all areas of life. Ministry challenges us to live our full potential, connected with all beings in our earth. We are all one embraced in the circle of life in the Holy One.

On Saturday afternoon, Dr. Margaret Flowers presented an inspiring lecture on universal right of healtcare. She represents 18,000 physicians committed to a National Health Program. Even though she is challenging a system that is in need of major reform and currently broken, her presentation gave me hope for the future- if we can build a consensus around a single payer sytem like Medicare, rather than a profit-driven health industry. Dr. Margaret Flowers is a breath of hope for the future of health care in our country.

Our liturgy was woven into the entire day. Andrea Johnson and I collaborated with the conference organizers, Ginny and Bob Graf in designing a liturgy that reach a climax with our concluding banquet on Sat. evening. At the closing of our meal, we prayed together and shared the sacred bread and wine with the women and men at our tables in remembrance of the Risen Christ in our midst.

On Sunday morning, I enjoyed Dr. James Lochner's presentation on "living in a changing climate". We were given practical things to do to reuse, recycle, and renew our earth's resources, rather than to continue to abuse them. In spite of greenhouse gases, catastrophic storms, etc there are possibilities for improvement if we act together as a society.

LLene Evans gave a stunning portrayal of Harriet Tubman at the closing brunch that I will never forget. She received a standing ovation!

The Federation of Christian Ministries is a professional, interfaith ministry organizations that endorses ministers to serve the people of God. It was a honor to serve as president of this visionary, inclusive organization for four years. For over fifteen years, I have been a proud member of FCM and recommend it highly to anyone who wants to belong to a Christ- inspired organization that is open to people of all spiritual persuasions. They offer commissioning to those who are called to ministry, and provide professional membership and status to all who wish to minister. For women in the Catholic Church FCM certifies for professional ministry including wedding officiant. The RC church will not endorse the non-ordained to officiate at weddings unless it is an exceptional situation. Women Priests are joining FCM in record numbers for the professional networking opportunities it offers. As a commissioning agency FCM offers specialized ministry endorsment for chaplains in instiutional settings.

As members of an inclusive ecumencial community of support to women and men ministers of all denonminations and faiths, they are blessed companions on the journey whom I recommend to all.

The mission of FCM is:

"Called by God’s Spirit and grounded in personal spiritual practice, the Federation of Christian Ministries responds by worshiping God and supporting the growth in faith and ministry of its individual and collective members.Our Christ-inspired organization does this by welcoming people of all spiritual persuasions.We offer empowerment and certification to those who have discerned a call to ministry.FCM offers the following benefits to its members: education, certification, professional endorsement for specialized ministries, yearly assemblies, free listing of ministries on the FCM website, prayer support, regional networking, and a bi-monthly newsletter Diaspora.FCM members are available for the following ministry services: worship communities, officiating at weddings, ministering at baptisms and funerals, pastoral care, spiritual direction, healing, retreats, and interfaith dialogue."

Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

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