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Thursday, July 28, 2011

People of Faith: Challenge Washington to Spare Medicare and Medicaid/Let's Act Now for Faithful Reform

Faith leaders challenge Washington to spare Medicare, Medicaid
The Interfaith Health & Hope Coalition, a local advocate for community health and an active supporter of Faithful Reform, has endorsed Rev. Walling's call to action. Faithful Reform has asserted a "moral obligation" for all faith organizations to get behind the effort to preserve Medicare and Medicaid funding. Faithful Reform recommends that health advocates voice concern by calling a toll-free number 1-888-797-8717. The toll-free number will connect to the Capitol switchboard. At that point callers need to ask for their senators or representative by name. Three calls are needed to reach all three persons. There is not an automatic roll-over to additional offices.

Key points articulated in Faithful Reform's Statement of Principles:

Medicaid provides essential comprehensive health coverage for people with low incomes, the elderly, and people with disabilities.
Medicare is the primary source of health insurance for senior citizens.
All people deserve equal access to quality, affordable, inclusive, and accountable health care.
The social safety net and its key components, including health care, must be maintained to reflect our shared commitment to protecting vulnerable populations.
Concern for the most vulnerable in our community, particularly low-income women, men and children and people with disabilities, is at the heart of our sacred texts and an affirmation of our common humanity.
Caring for our elders and treating them with dignity demonstrates the value we place on our enduring responsibility to enable all persons to live out the fullness of their days.

Bridget Mary's Reflection:

This is a huge social justice issue. Compassion care for the poor and the elderly are the heart of our faith traditions. We must act know to do all we can to help.

It is sad to see politicans push "granny under the train" to save tax hikes for wealthy individuals and corporations who, in some cases, pay nothing in taxes. The heavens cry out for justice for all especially for the poor and vulnerable among us! Yes, we need to raise the debt ceiling, raise taxes on the super rich, and make sensible cuts, not gut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Cutting out excessive spending on wars and weapons is important as well as ending congress's own pork barrell projects. Let's start there. How about a salary trim and a decrease in benefits for congress representatives?

It is time for Americans to take action and let our elected leaders know they are here to serve all the people, not only special interest groups that donate generously to their campaigns. Who will speak out if we don't? As people of faith, let us make our voices heard as the prophets of old did!

Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests

1 comment:

  1. I agree wholeheartedly, Bridget Mary, that caring for the poor and elderly is a huge social justice issue. The poor are getting poorer, while the richer are growing richer and richer. It is unconscionable that our legislators won't raise taxes on the wealthiest individuals and corporations. Also, I agree that our representatives and senators should trim their salaries before they cut Medicaid, Medicare, and Social Security. Thank you for your prophetic voice on this issue as well as on so many other social justice issues!
    Jann Aldredge-Clanton


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