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Friday, November 18, 2011

"Progressive Religion to the Rescue" Huffington Post, Chaplain Paul Dodd/Advocate for Gay Marrage in the Military

..."Chaplain Paul W. Dodd, a 31-year Army veteran, is a founder and co-chair of the Forum. He was a Southern Baptist, now an American Baptist, who realized early on that the Chiefs of Chaplains in the various branches were key people in the struggle to overturn DADT. Their job is to guarantee the "free exercise of religion for all of our troops." So the Forum sent three chaplains who were full colonels to discuss the matter with the Pentagon Working Group. Apparently they were persuasive because, despite the apoplectic response of the religious right, they prevailed.Now Paul Dodd and his colleagues face the heavy lifting necessary to make an open service equal for all. Could it be that federal support for same-sex marriage will get a running start in the military? Progressive chaplains are in the vanguard of those seeking equal rights for all. Stranger things have happened... The pastoral needs of people serving in the military and their loved ones are not subject to theo-politics. They are the responsibility of chaplains of whatever religious tradition to fulfill. This is the proud history of the military chaplaincy that has provided pastoral care and counsel for generations. There is every reason to think that, with the prodding of a retired chaplain like Paul Dodd and his colleagues, a new and more inclusive chapter will be written. "

Bridget Mary's Reflection
Equal rights and justice for all including same-sex marriage for gays, lesbians, transgendered in the military and everywhere is a basic human right. I am proud of Chaplain Paul Dodd for his advocacy. I served on the chapel staff with Paul in the Ft. Myer Chapel Community. One of the highlights of our ministry was our annual ecumenical retreat.  Paul participated with great enthusiasm in our planning meetings with Peg Bowen and myself, and attended the retreats during his tour of duty. We had a vibrant community that worked together on many projects in our chapel during his tenure.
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP

1 comment:

  1. The full press release is available at:

    Imagine finding name of Pedro Arrupe among the 99 theologians and spiritual leaders who were banned, expelled, or silenced under Ratzinger, as listed in

    Who will investigate the investigator? History perhaps?


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