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Sunday, December 18, 2011

"Massive Abuse Scandal Shatters Dutch Catholic Church"/
"[c]elibacy in itself doesn’t have to lead to rape. But it can give priests and bishops the idea that they are somehow on a higher spiritual plane. That narcissistic spirituality is the dark side of the church, the idea that you are better than others. They set themselves up to be a-sexual beings and that is how they are perceived, by their victims as well. That is what made it such a terrible and lonely experience for them: how could a priest sin? It was inconceivable so nobody believed them. The damage these people suffered at the hands of people who were supposed to be paragons of virtue is incalculable...The scandal has already cost the Catholic Church its influence in Dutch society. According to a report released yesterday, 86% of the population in the heavily Catholic province of Brabant have lost virtually all their faith in the institution."


  1. In her October 21, 2005 article published by NCR and entitled "Sexual hypocrisy from the Vatican" (, Angela Bonavoglia writes,

    "It is obvious that the crisis in the church is much larger than pedophilia or the sexual abuse of minors. It is about crimes and criminals, sex and power, yes. But fundamentally, it is about hypocrisy. By forbidding priests who choose to be sexual in mature ways that include commitment, responsibility and respect, and by protecting them from the costs of their sexual exploits, the church has effectively condoned a clerical sexual free-for-all. That heterosexual and homosexual behavior may thrive in the Catholic priesthood does not reflect anything inherent about homosexuality or heterosexuality but is rather an indictment of the hypocrisy and duplicity of an elite, closed, all-male system, a secret society of sorts that condones, indeed, demands, lying about the reality of one’s sexual life at all costs."

  2. Celibacy caused the abuse scandal? I guess that's why the Penn State assistant coach abused children.

    Oh wait, he's married?

    What about the Syracuse assistant coach? Surely celibacy must have led to sexual frustration that he took out on minors.

    You're kidding, he's married too?

    Wait, maybe it's just a male thing.

    But wait, what about all those female high school teachers that have had sex with their students?

  3. Bonavoglia doesn't refer to celibacy, but to "the hypocrisy and duplicity of an elite, closed, all-male system, a secret society of sorts that condones, indeed, demands, lying about the reality of one’s sexual life at all costs."


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