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Sunday, December 4, 2011

"St. Nicholas- Patron Saint of Occupy Wall Street Movement" NCR Online

St. Nicholas, patron saint of the Occupy movement?

Dec. 02, 2011
Joshua J. McElwee
"Despite the continuing Occupy protests taking place across the country, some have observed that those of us of the Roman bent aren't quite as involved as those of other faiths.That observation has Tom Beaudoin, a theologian at Fordham University who blogs over at America magazine, asking "Where are all the Catholics?"Noting that a meeting of Occupy Faith NYC, a coalition supporting the Occupy Wall Street protests, saw few Catholic churches or organizations show up yesterday, Beaudoin encourages people to support a new group: Occupy Catholics.
Take a look at the group's website. They're organizing a novena to St. Nicholas in support of the occupy movement until the saint's feast day, Dec. 6."
Bridget Mary's Reflection;
Why are Catholics not out there? One of the best kept secrets of the Catholic Church is its social justice teaching! I pray that the Occupy Movement ignites a fire for justice for all, including those who are needy and without food, shelter, and jobs in our country and around the world. No more tax breaks for the super rich who should be taxed according to their means and giving from their abundance.  What do you think Jesus would say and do today?
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP


  1. "Why are Catholics not out there?"

    Because OWS is comprised of anti-Semites and socialists.

  2. Interesting because the ADL has said that there were very few anti-Semites among the many occupiers. As for socialism, this is the usual comment coming from those who would defend injustice in the name of protecting capitalism. If we read the social encyclicals of many popes since Leo XIII, I suppose that they also would be branded socialists. The conflation of politics and religion has been dangerous since the time of Jesus.


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