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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Bishop Resigns After Disclosing he fathered Two Children

VATICAN CITY -- Los Angeles Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Zavala has resigned after disclosing to superiors that he is the father of two children.The Vatican announced the bishop's resignation Jan. 4 in a one-line statement that cited church law on resignation for illness or other serious reasons.

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
More evidence that  mandatory celibacy does not work and should be changed to follow Jesus' example.  In the 12th century, the pope mandated celibacy for priests,  and threatened to sell the priests' wives into slavery if they did not conform. Now that the Vatican is accepting Anglican married priests and their wives, it is time to affirm that marriage and ordination can go together for Catholic priests. Peter was married, so why does the Roman Catholic Church refuse to follow his example? Let us pray that for change in the institutional church's unjust treatment of  its own priests
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP
Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests


  1. "More evidence that mandatory celibacy does not work and should be changed to follow Jesus' example."

    We still have murder in our world, but that does not mean that laws against killing do not work and should be changed so that killing is legal.

  2. Comparing the taking of a human life to breaking the discipline of celibacy is both disingenuous and ludicrous.

  3. Veritas' example perfectly illustrates the concept that disobedience to laws do not require us to change them.


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