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Friday, May 18, 2012

Kansas Governor Signs Bill Allowing Pharmacies and Doctors to Deny Women Birth Control/ GOP War on Women and Decisions Over Own Health Care Echoes Catholic Bishops Agenda

"A bill that allows pharmacists and doctors to deny women access to contraception has been signed into law by Kansas Governor Sam Brownback. This new law is just one of many bills that the Republican governor has signed since he came into office. He has recently signed legislation that pressures abortion clinics with new regulations, legislation that imposes long waiting times to get an abortion, and legislation that bans insurance companies from covering abortion procedures.
This new bill, known as the Heath Care Rights of Conscience Act and sponsored by GOP state Rep. Lance Kinzer, was signed into law on Monday, and according to The Kansas City Star:
“The new law would bar anyone from being required to prescribe or administer a drug they “reasonably believe” might result in the termination of a pregnancy,” and could “open the door for a pharmacist to refuse a request for something like the “morning-after” pill.”
Basically, any woman in Kansas could walk into a pharmacy to pick up a birth control prescription and be denied her medication by the pharmacist. All the pharmacists needs to do is claim to be acting on his or her religious convictions. And what’s worse, the pharmacist doesn’t have to refer the prescription to another pharmacy. Likewise, doctors also can deny women contraception and use religious liberty to get away with it. Even a woman who becomes pregnant through rape could be denied access to birth control..."

Bridget Mary's Reflection:
Kansas Governor Signs Bill Allowing Pharmacies and Doctors to Deny Women Birth Control/ GOP War on Women and Decisions Over Own Health Care Echoes Catholic Bishops Agenda Against Women as Free Moral Decision Makers in Birth Control and other hot button issues. What ever happened to respect for Primacy of Conscience? It appears when it comes to pelvic issues, the bishops and Republicans are in a lockstep march backwards to the Middle Ages. Needed badly are women priests and women bishops in decision making roles within the church!
Bridget Mary Meehan ARCWP


  1. "What ever happened to respect for Primacy of Conscience?"

    Whatever happened to respect for the Bible?

  2. Let us set a few elderly witches alight before casting our last infallible stone at the First Amendment.

    Children are welcome.

  3. If we grow up, can we still ride the short bus?


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