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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Vatican Crisis Highlights Pope Benedict’s Failure to Reform the Curia

Tom Heneghan/May 30,2012

"Benedict’s papacy has been marked until now by controversies over things he has said and done, such as his criticism of Islam at Regensburg in 2006 or his 2009 decision to readmit four excommunicated ultra-traditionalist bishops to the Church.
Now a goal he has failed to achieve — gain control over the Curia — has come back to haunt him. Leaks of confidential documents on everything from Vatican finances to private papal audiences make his papacy look weak and disorganized."
Bridget Mary's Reflection:
Add to Benedict and the Vatican's issues the following: the hostile treatment of the LCWR/Leadership Conference of Women Religious and the investigation of U.S. nuns, the excommunication of Roman Catholic Women Priests, the new Liturgy- back-tracking on inclusive language and the list goes on and on! But the biggest crisis is the hierarchy's betrayal of the people of God, the moral bankruptcy evident in the global sexual abuse cover-up, the abuse of power and the  failure of the institutional church to live up to the Gospels in its treatment of women, youth, the marginalized, all of whom are divine images, beloved sisters and brothers of Christ. No wonder there is a spiritual uprising brewing among Catholics today including nuns and priests. Finally, the Vatican Curia has broken ranks with the Monsignors Mutiny in Vatileaks. What's next, the Pope's resignation, and/or reform of the Curia? Let us pray for a new Pentecost in the Catholic Church! Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,,


  1. I pray for your resignation from ARCWP and conversion.

  2. Wishful thinking is the only antidote to delusion.

  3. The nuns planted the evidence in Paolo's Vatican City apartment.


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