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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Attack on Girl Scouts Shows Current Law Isn't Working" by Sr. Joan Chittister/NCROnline
..."The pope wants a smaller, purer church, we're told. Apparently that's what they wanted after the Protestant Reformation in the 16th century, as well. And they got it. They lost half of Europe. They are now losing large segments of South America. The Irish Church is listing. Only 5 percent of infants born in Europe are now baptized. And the United States, once the largest church-going country in the world, in the light of the sex abuse scandal, is teetering, as well.
From where I stand, it seems that law isn't working.
Maybe the Vatican needs to go back to the approach of the loving John XXIII or the patient Paul VI.
Maybe we ought to try the Gospel again, the one that understands people who lift their work animals out of a ditch on the sabbath, or get caught in adultery, or are shunned because of their leprosy, or decide that circumcision is only one culture's sign of commitment, not theirs, or are the wrong sex, as was the Woman at the Well, to preach the Word of God. Let's try again the one that doesn't use investigations or intimidation or silencing or excommunications for the sake of control rather than make compassion the mark of the church. As they have, for instance, with bishops caught between two different sets of law -- civil law and canon law -- in the sex abuse scandal.
The results cannot possibly be worse than the ones we're getting. But one thing's clear. I know my own problem now: I was a Girl Scout."

1 comment:

  1. You're not even Catholic, so why do you continue to comment on the Catholic faith when you yourself follow your own "way"? I want answers Ms. Mary Bridget Meehan. You call yourselves Catholic "women priests" yet you posts anti-Catholic posts.You claim that women should get ordained, yet you forget the ministry of nuns and sisters. What is the point of considering or even calling yourselves Catholic when you're not happy with anything about it. Common and mature thing to do is leave. You did already, your mind is so confused and still consider yourself a Catholic. What's the point huh? "I'm a Catholic woman.." and here i'm looking at anti-Catholic posts.

    You claim many are hypocrites when you and your fellow followers are too. Excuse me, who are you to complain about the "Missal changes" when you yourselves use your own words for your services. So you can change, but the Roman Catholics can't? How hypocritical!

    Please, if you can't pick on your own nose, pick on someone else's that actually agrees with you. Equality please!That word degrades the work and ministry of so many nuns before us and today.

    Who's going to staff our schools and educate the young students? Who's going to care for the sick and poor? Who were the first women to come out other than as married mothers? You tell me, with the lack of sisters, whats going to happen? I don't know maybe if you ask your fellow women.



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