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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

"Following the Money" by Phyllis Zagano, LCWR Hostile Take-Over: A Vatican Money Grab of Nuns' Money?
Phyllis Zagano hits the nail on the head: So what's at stake in the current hostile take -over of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious by the Vatican? Money, lots of it!
 Zagano concludes:
"Yes, the dioceses have huge holdings. But they have equally huge legal bills with more to come as the courts increasingly find bishops negligent in oversight. Many women's institutes have substantial cash, equities and property in their own names, and their members hold directorships in multiple institutions, which in turn have giant assets. Much of that money is managed by the Christian Brothers Investment Services -- about $4 billion. And here's the kicker: The USCCB's receivership team leader, Seattle Archbishop J. Peter Sartain, is listed as a trustee of the Christian Brothers Investment Services' Catholic United Investment Trust. It would seem to the uninformed onlooker that his trusteeship, combined with the fact that his own sister belongs to the conservative Nashville Dominicans, would cause Sartain to recuse himself from holding the looking glass over LCWR....No matter how hard the Vatican tries to spin this one, the world's view is of a confrontation between the law and the prophets." 
This is a huge conflict of interest for Archbishop Peter Sartain! Phyllis Zagano has it right. It is all about the money and it is another disgrace for the institutional church! Catholics, express your outrage and demand that Sartain resign, abolish the committee, and abandon what appears to be a money grab of the nuns' money! Whoa, this takes the cake!
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp

1 comment:

  1. LOL. Of course, it's money, not the countless heresies endorsed by the LCWR!

    But wait... don't sisters take a vow of poverty? Why then do they have so much money as you allege?


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