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Monday, June 4, 2012

Pope Defends Priest Celibacy at World Families Meeting / Misses "Elephant" in Church's Living Room

(AFP) – 5 hours ago
MILAN — "The pope insisted Saturday that celibacy is central to the priesthood, amid increasing calls for clergy to be allowed to marry and claims that abstention may have contributed to sex abuse scandals.
"The shining light of pastoral charity and a unified heart is sacerdotal celibacy and enshrined virginity," Pope Benedict XVI told hundreds of clergy members in Milan Cathedral during the 7th World Meeting of Families.
"Without a doubt, Jesus' love is for all Christians but takes on particular significance for the celibate priest and for those who take up the vocation of a life of devotion," he said on the second day of his visit to Milan.
It is not the first time the pope has insisted on celibacy. In April he issued a rare condemnation of disobedient priests, saying those who questioned the Church over celibacy and the ordination of women were being self-serving.
Some senior Catholic clergymen have called for a new discussion on the issue of priest celibacy in the wake of the sex scandal which has rocked the Church.
But the pope made no reference to the scandal, or the moral and spiritual crises which often isolated and fragile priests face daily in their vocation.
On his arrival at the Cathedral, the pope was welcomed by Milan's Archbishop Angelo Scola, tipped by some as a possible future pope, as well as Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, who was among the favourites to succeed John Paul II.
The pope has left behind a scandal-hit Vatican to address pilgrims and families from 154 countries around the world on the importance of traditional family values in securing the Church's future in the West."
Bridget Mary's Reflection:
 Reality check to Pope Benedict! Beware of the elephant is in the Vatican's own living room! As the the Vatican attempts a hostile takeover of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious,the so-called Monsignor Mutiny rages on,  reports of corruption inside the Vatican hit the daily news, the Pope is in total denial of the need for major reforms, solutions that  include the end of mandatory celibacy and the affirmation of women priests. Yes, the church needs priests, married, celibate and women in a renewed priestly ministry that is one with the people we serve. The clerical culture at the heart of the sexual abuse crisis must end.
 Hundred of priests in Ireland, Austria, and Germany agree. They have called for end to mandatory celibacy and for women priests. Even some bishops have joined the growing chorus too! 
Benedict argues that celibacy is a special vocation that has God's special stamp of approval. This was the pre-Vatican view. But Vatican II puts marriage on a equal spiritual footing. Jesus does not love celibates (including celibate priests) more than anyone else! His male apostles were more than likely married, certainly Peter was! 
All of us are the beloved of God, marriage and celibacy are both beautiful manifestations of God' love. One is not holier than the other! 
Benedict does not allude to the crisis that is tearing the church apart- the sexual abuse scandal. The dioceses and religious orders in the U.S. alone have paid over 2 billion and at least five dioceses have declared bankruptcy. Whebn he was  head of CDF Benedict issued the "sacred silence" mandate to the world's bishops.  They were ordered to send all cases to his office under threat of excommunication. It is sad to see Benedict so out of touch with reality and the solutions to the contemporary crisis in the Catholic Church.
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp

1 comment:

  1. It's almost 11 AM and still NOTHING from Bridget Mary about Sr. Margaret Farley's sick sex book that has been criticized by the Vatican.

    Shouldn't you be calling her a "prophetic witness" to the Spirit right about now for writing stuff like "It is surely the case that many women… have found great good in self-pleasuring"? I mean, she did write in favor of some pretty disgusting sexual perversions. That must qualify her for the annual RCWP medal of honor!



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