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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

"Penn State and the Roman Catholic Church: Why Does the Press Give the Church a Pass?" by Jack Duffy

"Penn State removes the offenders in effigy, quickly, expeditiously.
The RC 'governing body' rewards the likes of Cardinals Law and Levada with promotions, prestigious basilicas, and CEOs of big important Vatican branches.
My question: How come the press has given the RC's a pass??? The story is the same at Penn State and the RC Church. Except: 1. Penn State had a dozen + or - victims;
2. the RCC, thousands. And Penn State has some accountability; the US Catholic Bishops---- not much, that I have noticed."
Dr. Jack Duffy,
Mary Mother of Jesus Catholic Community

1 comment:

  1. "My question: How come the press has given the RC's a pass???"

    You're joking, right? Do you not read newspapers or watch the nightly news from 2002-present?


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