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Saturday, September 8, 2012

Contraception Use Prevents Pregnancy and Abortions/US Bishops Should Support Contraception to Avoid Abortions

Providing affordable contraception coverage is important in preventing abortions.. The Catholic bishops make no sense when they oppose insurance coverage of contraception. I agree with Steve Schneck that many abortions could be avoided if women had financial resources to afford contraception. If we had women priests making church policy, contraception coverage would be a no-brainer!
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp,
"Catholic University’s Steve Schneck argued that the number of abortions would skyrocket if Romney is elected and Medicaid funding slashed, because a majority of women who have abortions cite financial considerations as a factor and the cuts in aid to those already struggling would only worsen those challenges..."


  1. Yet liberals don't support torturing terrorists to save innocent lives.

  2. Can someone explain to me what I am attempting to express?


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