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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests " Good timing" according to Tim Padgett in TIME Magazine article today on female priesthood and the Papyrus Fragment/Jesus'Wife/Disciple

"The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests — a breakaway group founded in 2002 — sent out an e-mail yesterday announcing that its bishops will ordain six new female clerics next month. (The howl you just heard was from the archconservative Catholic League.) These ladies have nothing if not good timing: their missive immediately made me think of last week’s news from Harvard Divinity School that an early Christian text asserts Jesus was married and suggests his wife was a disciple — which would indicate women were eligible for the Catholic priesthood all along. But it also reminded me of the other reaction I usually have to these Da Vinci Code–ish historical discoveries about Jesus: So what?"...."
..."That also explains why it’s welcome to hear any historical evidence that Jesus didn’t consider clerical marriage or female ordination anathema to the religion he founded. But again, such evidence isn’t, or shouldn’t be, necessary...At a time when the Vatican, panicked by growing Catholic support for female ordination, is senselessly hounding U.S. nuns for their “radical feminism,” the latest piece of papyrus does serve as a useful reminder of how wrong Rome is in this matter. But most of us knew that long before King deciphered it."

Read more:
Meehan to TIME article by Padge
Great article! The Vatican is wrong on gender equality which includes women's ordination and they know it. Even their own scholarship does not support them. (Biblical Pontifical Commission Report of 1976)  I must point out that the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests (ARCWP) is NOT a "breakaway group." We are faithful Catholic women leading the way toward gender equality and justice in our church, rooted in Jesus example in the Gospels and the early church tradition of women deacons, priests, and bishops! Our orders are valid because our first bishops were ordained by a male bishop with apostolic succession.
Women Priests live prophetic obedience, disobeying an unjust, man-made, canonical law that discriminates against women. 
Luke 8:1-3 points out that among Jesus disciples were Mary of Magdala, Joanna, Susanna and MANY MORE! And so it is today as we are ordained as Roman Catholic Women Priests to promote an inclusive, partnership, non-hierarchical Catholic Church. ARCWP is a holy shakeup whose time has come!
Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,, 703-505-0004


  1. "their missive immediately made me think of last week’s news from Harvard Divinity School that an early Christian text asserts Jesus was married and suggests his wife was a disciple "

    I knew you'd believe it.... sooo... I just discovered evidence that Jesus wasn't married! Yes, and my evidence out-dates this tiny piece of paper. I call it the "Holy Bible."

  2. If I get married, will Dan Brown write about me?

  3. Yes, and my evidence - I call it the "Holy Bible" - out-dates this tiny piece of paper because it's so... tiny.


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