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Monday, July 15, 2013

"Thank you for sending us an Angel" by Dee Binda

"Thank you, from the bottom of our Kansas City hearts, for sending Janice Sevre-Duszynska, this beautiful RCWP, to be with us. On Janice's card, there is an image of an angel with a trumpet, obviously heralding a great coming. Under her name is the word "Priest," and here she was with us, Emmanuel, the Christ in our midst. We celebrated in grand style as she led us in the prayers of communion and kin-ship, women and men together, outside on a beautiful summer night for an inclusive liturgy on peace and justice. As I looked around at those gathered for this special liturgy, I knew everyone there was committed to making our world a safe and empowered one for all. Everyone had gifts. The liturgy was a celebration, not a sacrifice. No one (even those committed to resistance callings) thought of our participation (i.e., our charisms) as a sacrifice. The liturgy celebrated our communion with one another and our participatory joy in creation.

A few special memories: Janice looking beautiful in her jeans and butterfly stole, a visual image of a new paradigm for priestly ministry; our temple, the lovely home of our phenomenal hostess, Sarah was lovelier than anyone could have imagined; Janice asking for volunteers at the beginning of the liturgy to do the readings and a dancer to bring forth the book to read the gospel words (and the beautiful completion of that movement when the time came by one of the women); the RCWP banner nestled in the trees and birds singing throughout the celebration almost sounding like they were reading the words on the banner; a poignant moment when Janice asked for any remembrances of those saints who have gone before us, I heard the voice of a friend say the name of her daughter who had been brutally killed by an abusive husband and tears swelled up in my eyes; embraces, one for everyone present (approximately 45-50 people), by Janice at the sign of peace allowing this joy to spill over as everyone then took her lead and opened to the moment with others; our communion, our moment to "take and eat," and "take and drink" with ALL present, as we celebrated our common humanity and the divine Spirit within everyone and all of Creation that surrounded us in this outdoor temple; our simple, wholesome feast following the liturgy which had been graciously donated by many; our laughter; our sharing; our rekindling of friendships old and excitement of meeting new ones; our thanksgiving for this lovely gift of grace.

There were many more moments, but I will conclude. The next day I took the food that was leftover, our loaves and fishes, to a shelter for abused women. The remaining drinks (water, beer, fruit juices) were given to the Peace Walk committee for the resistance work that was to take place on Saturday, July 12. This was the initial purpose of Janice's trip to KC. With all of the preparation for the resistance she had to do, it was amazing that she graciously agreed to not only visit with those of us who work for the inclusive ministry of all the beloved, but to prepare a liturgy for us.

Yes, you did send us an angel. And I might add, one more heart-felt memory: when Janice said the prayers for our Pope and then our Bishop, I heard your name, my dear friend and mentor, Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan. I smiled and knew our time had come. "

Much love, Dee

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