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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Deacon Denise Davis Shares a Reflection About the Laying on of Hands During Ordination on Dec. 8, 2013 in Louisville, KY.

I just have to thank everyone for all the work and love all of you put into our Louisville ordination! Even just traveling to and around our city, one that saw maybe two flakes of snow all last winter, proved to be quite the experience. Truly, it was a powerful experience, one so hard to express through words alone. One moment, though, did stand out. 

As a group of you beautiful and amazing women priests gathered around me to bless me with your love, prayers and support, I couldn't help but feel the differences among you in that moment as your hands pressed upon me. Hot hands - I think Dottie's - were warming the right side of my face while a pair of much cooler ones gently cradled my left side. Aware of both, I cherished the gifts of both while understanding the tension to be held within. Bonded to each other by our blessed call, we carry different gifts, different charisms all the same. I am so very, very grateful to be among a group of loving souls who know what it is to accept all differences, to allow each full expression, rather than attempting to define and limit too narrowly what it is to be a called woman priest of God's. Is that an easy thing to do, to be so open and accepting? Our church's history teaches us it isn't. But yet, but yet, we who trust so fully in the loving guidance of Christ Sophia know it is not only possible, but quite attainable if only.... if only we do what you do so well already.... Love gently, love mercifully, love fully, knowing that only in love will we experience the peace and joy of the kin-dom! Thank you again... and again.... and again......

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