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Saturday, May 11, 2013

Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests/Professional Photos by Giulia Bianchi

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Here are a few of Guilia Bianchi's professional pictures of Rosemarie Smead's at Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests  Ordination on April 27, 2013 in Louisville, KY.

Sister Megan Rice Interview VIDEO and article in Irish Central
Click on this link and watch powerful video of Sr. Megan Rice sharing why she broke into nuclear bomb facility -Y12 in Oak Ridge Tennesssee.

The activists admitted cutting several fences, walking through the complex for hours

"An elderly Catholic nun is among the three people convicted for damage they caused when they broke into a defense facility where enriched uranium for nuclear bombs is stored.

Sister Megan Gillespie Rice, 82, Michael Walli and Greg Boertje-Obed admitted to cutting the fence and gaining access to the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in July 2012.

The defendants called themselves "Transform Now Plowshares," a reference to the biblical phrase: "They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks."

The jury deliberated for almost three hours before returning a guilty verdict in Knoxville federal court.
The Irish Times reports that Rice stood straight up and smiled when it was read.

The three peace activists were convicted of damaging a national defence premises. The penalty for such a crime carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years.

Prosecutors claim the break in at Y-12 disrupted operations endangered U.S. security and caused physical damage that cost over $8,500 to repair.

“These are people of conscious, nonviolence and justice. And they certainly put the US government to shame,” Paul Magno, a supporter of the activists and member of the group Plowshares, said afterward.

“We are a nation of laws. You can’t take the law into your own hands and force your views on other people,” Assistant US Attorney Jeffrey Theodore had said in a closing argument.

Janice Sevre-Duszynska, a member of the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests who attended the trial to support Rice, said the activists were “challenging unjust, inhumane and immoral behavior filled with insatiable insecurity and greed.”

“My hope is that the people wake up to the freedoms being taken away in the name of so-called security as well as to the egregious waste of their hard-earned taxpayers’ money,” she said in a statement..."

Left/ Janice Sevre-Duszynska, ARCWP at liturgy with Plowshare Activists and Supporters before Trial


Pope Francis and LCWR; "More Papacy Changes, More it Stays the Same"/Disappointing for Women in the Church
by Jamie Manson
"...If there is a point on which both Francis and the sisters agree, it is the importance of "touching the flesh of the poor Christ in the humble, the poor, the sick, and in children."
But Francis does not seem to understand that it is precisely because women religious regularly touch that wounded body of Christ that they have such rich theological imaginations and a longing to delve into the spiritual questions of our time. Their intensely sacramental lives of service help clarify their priorities in their pursuits of justice and mercy.
All that women religious have done -- the work they have committed to, the leadership style they have developed and the theologians they invite to their meetings -- has been inspired by their ministry to the broken body of Christ. What Francis and the doctrinal congregation may interpret as a "deviation from doctrine" or a "failure to obey" are really just the fruits of women religious fulfilling their vocation as a prophetic life form.
Perhaps the greatest irony is that the Vatican is punishing women religious for failing to strictly adhere to doctrines that they have had no voice in developing and no role in shaping -- precisely because they are women.
The look and feel of the papacy may be changing under Francis, but the fundamental understanding magisterium's authority and the requirement that the women obey the men, I'm afraid, will continue to stay the same."
[Jamie L. Manson received her Master of Divinity degree from Yale Divinity School, where she studied Catholic theology and sexual ethics. Her NCR columns have won numerous awards, most recently second prize for Commentary of the Year from Religion Newswriters (RNA).]

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Blessing by Woman Priest Janice Sevre-Duszynska Outside Jail Holding Peace Activists known as Transform Now Plowshares: Sister Megan Rice, Jim Walli and Greg Boertje- Obed

Janice Sevre-Duszynska, ARCWP, Shares Blessing for Peace Activists outside Jail In Tennessee
Actvists face 30 years in prison.
They are prophets for our time, reminding us that God calls us to live in love, do justice, and reflect compassion. Sr. Megan, Jim, and Greg should have received  a medal from the government for exposing  the security violations at the site.

Jesuit Bill (Bix) Bischel, Oblate of Mary Immaculate Carl Kabat, ARCWP Janice Sevre -Duszynska, Franciscans Jerry Zawada and Louis Vitale outside Federal Court in Knoxville in support of Transform Now Plowshares

Jesuit Bill (Bix) Bischel, Oblate of Mary Immaculate Carl Kabat, ARCWP Janice  Sevre -Duszynska, Franciscans Jerry Zawada and Louis Vitale outside Federal Court in Knoxville in support of Transform Now Plowshares

Who is my neighbor?

Dear friends,
First, the facts. Greg, Megan, and Michael were found guilty today of both counts brought against them — sabotage and depredation of government property — and they were remanded from the courtroom as we sang them rounds of “Rejoice in the Lord Always,” and “Vine and Fig Tree.” The prosecution has stated that the defendants stand convicted of a “crime of violence”; if this is the case, law requires that they remain in prison until sentencing. They will spend the night in jail, and we will return to the courtroom tomorrow at 9:00 to see what the judge will decide.
In light of these heavy facts, it might seem irrelevant to share with you the evidence presented today in the courtroom. But truth-telling deserves to be celebrated — even if the jury wasn’t swayed, glimmers of truth did make their way into courtroom, thanks to the sharp minds and firm convictions of the defendants and their lawyers. Such good news should be shared.
A lot of evidence was presented today: Francis finished his questioning of Megan and the government cross-examined her. Michael, Col. Ann Wright, and Greg were also questioned and cross-examined, and lastly the judge read the jury instructions and allowed closing arguments before sending the jury out to deliberate.
Greg’s testimony came after the afternoon break, and in a way it tied together much of what had been said all day. He called to our attention the story of the Good Samaritan stopping to help an injured man on the road to Jericho. We see people on the roadside lying wounded, and our job is to do something to stop the violence and help the victims. Greg outlined the violence that we are obligated to stop in our world today: the United States is the only country to have over 700 military bases all over the world; we are the only nation that uses drones to kill people around the world; and we use nuclear weapons to threaten people around the world, weapons whose very manufacturing causes sickness and death.
Jesus tells the parable of the Good Samaritan because someone has asked him, “Who is my neighbor?” The answer to this question is a major point of disagreement between the defense and the prosecution. “Do you consider yourself an American?” the government prosecutor asked Sister Megan Rice. “I believe I am a citizen of the world,” answered Sister Megan. “Boundaries are arbitrary.” The prosecutor went on to ask if Sister Megan had ever protested nuclear weapons by traveling to nuclear powers other than the United States. She responded that national borders are arbitrary lines; each and every human life on the planet is threatened by the use of nuclear weapons. Michael too was asked where he considered home. “I am a citizen of heaven and I travel here and there,” he replied. We are all citizens of heaven first; this loyalty takes precedence over any national allegiance we might have.
Greg cited a second story too, after the parable: the story of the Emperor’s New Clothes. It was a little boy who revealed what was missing, Greg said — and he was the only one who dared speak. The emperor here is the United States DOE, and it does not have effective fences. What is more, the emperor doesn’t have real security. Greg explained, “Real security comes when we foster justice among all the nations.”
Ann Wright’s expert knowledge of U.S. security withstood all efforts of the government to discredit her testimony. She established firmly that the emperor has no clothes, insofar as Y-12 does not have effective internal security tests. If Y-12 was running internal security tests, there would never have been so much critical security apparatus that was broken or otherwise not in place. “That’s where the problem lies,” said Col. Wright. That is the key.” Col. Wright testified that Greg, Megan, and Michael’s action improved national security by pointing out this national security deficiency, even if that was not their intention.
Throughout the government’s closing arguments, the prosecutors accused the defendants of disobeying the rule of law, taking the law into their own hands, forcing their will on other people. How ironic! Disregard of the rule of law and treaties is exactly the behavior that the United States engages in, in their foreign policy, that Michael, Megan, and Greg came to Y-12 to address. The same smoke and mirrors allow the government prosecutors to accuse the defendants of “crimes of violence.” How absurd, when crimes of violence are precisely what Greg, Megan, and Michael desired to put an end to when they came to Y-12.
“The teachings of Jesus are practical, doable, worthy of emulation,” Michael said from the witness stand today. “Our role is to try to open their eyes,” Greg said, “to come out of the ways of death.” Megan said, “I believe we are all equally responsible to stop a known crime.” As we think of our friends in jail tonight, let us allow their words to echo in our hearts and minds.

“Debate over morality vs. security plays out in Tenn. Trial.” /Washington Post/ Janice Sevre-Duszynska, ARCWP Present in Prayer/Solidarity

"From 9 a.m. to 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, morality and conscience did quiet battle with protocol and budgets in Courtroom 1A of U.S. District Court, to which dozens of supporters marched that morning through downtown Knoxville, led by two Buddhist monks chanting a Japanese prayer for peace.
 “They had white roses, Bibles . . . no dynamite, no machine guns . . . none of the tools you’d anticipate someone having to hinder the national defense.”(Christopher Irwin, attorney for co-defendant, Michael Walli.) p. C9 Washington Post
Janice Sevre-Duszynska, ARCWP with Sr. Megan Rice and other justice activists outside courtroom on break at Tenn. Trial

"Pope Francis To Nuns: Don't Be Old Maids"/Needs to Address Issue of Justice and Equality for Women in Church

 Pope Francis,  pleazze, lose  the "old maid" termniology for the Sisterhood! Old Maids" is  a patronizing, insulting term that should never be associated with nuns of a certain age who have spent years working with people on the margins with little thanks from their brothers in the hierarchy including the Vatican!  As feminists point out, it is more of the same, men defining women and is no longer acceptable or advisable! Many Catholics are hopeful that you will appoint nuns to some of the top jobs in the Vatican Curia, and show a new attitude toward women in the church. Justice for women in the church is a human rights issue that needs to be addressed." It is my prayer that you will be a breath of fresh air for  the reform and renewal of our church. I am a Sister for Christian Community and an ordained member of the international Roman Catholic  Women Priests Movement.  Women Priests offer the church the  charism of a renewed priestly ministry in partnership with the people with whom we serve. Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP, 
05/08/13 05:52 Associated Press

"Pope Francis has told nuns from around the world that they must be spiritual mothers and not "old maids."
Francis also warned the sisters against using their vocations for personal ambition, saying priests and sisters who do so "do more harm to the church."
Francis has complained frequently about such "careerism" in the church – a buzzword that is frequently used to describe Holy See bureaucrats.
The pope made the comments during an audience Wednesday with about 800 sisters attending an assembly of the International Union of Superiors General, which gathers the leaders of women's religious orders from some 75 countries.
The meeting came before Francis' general audience in St. Peter's Square, where in a break with tradition, he walked around a quadrant of the square greeting pilgrims. "

"Diaconate for Women Not Enough"/ German Catholic Women's Association Say Proposed Diaconate Falls Short

The Catholic Women's Association in Germany (Katholischer Deutscher Frauenbund, KDFB), which has around 220,000 members nationwide, has questioned a proposal for a special deacon's office for women.

Last week Archbishop Robert Zollitsch, president of the German bishops' conference, floated the idea of an office for women that would not require ordination.

That "is not enough", the KDFB said.

KDFB spokeswoman Ute Hücker told Germany's newspaper in English, The Local: "Catholic women in Germany want to see deacons who are women. We want the full office and the training that goes with it," she emphasised. "Eighty per cent of the active members of the German Church are women," she said. She noted that women were already voluntarily doing the work done by deacons such as visiting the sick.

Bridget Mary's Response:
A diaconate without ordination would be a sham- mere window dressing to satisfy the growing demand for full equality of women in the church. The Vatican knows full well that you cannot separate ordination from the diaconate. Deacon, Priest, and bishop are related and require ordination. It is time for the Vatican to follow the example of Jesus in the Gospels and embrace full equality of women in the church. I like the idea of opening up leadership positions like Cardinals  to women and calling for real reform of the Vatican Curia with women leaders in decision-making roles. The international Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement is leading the way toward  justice and equality for women in the church with a renewed priestly ministry in an inclusive, empowered communityof equals. Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Transform Now Plowshares on Trial in Knoxville, TN. Trial of Sister Megan Rice, Michael Walli, and Greg Boertje-Obed

The Transform Now Plowshares has a website/blog where you can keep up with trial developments on a daily basis. While you’re at the blog you can sign up (see the upper right hand column) to get updates by email.
“Let’s stop pouring our billions into false, impossible security.” — Sister Megan Rice
Transform Now Plowshares URL:


Historic First Ordination in Cincinnati as Dr. Debra Meyers will be ordained a Roman Catholic Woman Priest in Cincinnati, Ohio on May

Release date: May 7, 2013

Contact: Janice Sevre-Duszynska, D.Min. (media) 859-684-4247,

Bishop Bridget Mary Meehan, 703-505-0004,

Dr. Debra Meyers, 513-735-2876,

On Saturday, May 25, 2013, Dr. Debra Meyers of Batavia, Ohio will be ordained a priest in the Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests. The presiding bishop will be Bridget Mary Meehan of Falls Church, Virginia and Sarasota, Florida. The ceremony will take place at 1 p.m. at St. John’s Unitarian Universalist Church, 320 Resor Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45220.

All are welcome.

Media are invited to a pre-ordination conference on Saturday, May 25, at 11:30 a.m. at the church with the candidate and Bridget Mary Meehan. Call Janice (859-684-4247) to schedule an interview. Respectful filming/photo taking during the ceremony is acceptable.

The ordained is theologically prepared and has many years of experience in ministry.

Dr. Debra Meyers earned a Ph.D. in History and Women’s Studies and a MA in Religious Studies with an emphasis on pastoral care. The author of several books, she is a professor of History and Women’s Studies at Northern Kentucky University. Her ministry focuses primarily on single mothers and their children who make up the vast majority of impoverished people in our country. She also serves the Resurrection Community in Cincinnati where they are living the Gospel of equality and social justice. Dr. Meyers is a wife, the mother of two successful children and a grandmother.

"God called me to the Catholic priesthood as a child and every step of my academic and spiritual life as well as my social justice activism has prepared me to serve God's people as a pastor," said Dr. Meyers. "I thank ARCWP for the opportunity to fulfill God's call."

Since two-thirds of the world’s poor are women, justice and equality must be top priorities for our church. Our world and church can no longer function without the voices of women’s lived experience. Women priests are visible reminders that all women are images of God.

On March 13, five hours before the new pope was elected, a woman priest celebrated Mass in Rome. The church is at a crossroads with a new pope and women priests. This paradigm represents a holy shakeup and is pregnant with potential for renewal and change. Pope Francis’s simplicity and solidarity with the poor and marginalized is the Good News that Catholics have been waiting for. Now is the time to embrace women.

We are encouraged by the tender gesture of Pope Francis who washed the feet of women in prison on Holy Thursday, thus breaking the sexist tradition of washing only men’s feet.

During the Easter homily Francis affirmed women as the first witnesses to the Resurrection. “This tells us that God does not choose according to human criteria…The women are driven by love and know how to accept this proclamation with faith: they believe, and immediately transmit it, they do not keep it for themselves.“

Women who have accepted the call from God to priesthood and who have become women priests want to share “the joy of knowing that Jesus is alive, the hope that fills their heart.”

The Association of Roman Catholic Women Priests calls on Francis to embrace the full equality of women, including women priests.

Women priests are answering the call and our movement is growing since it began in 2002 with the ordination of seven women on the Danube. There are now 150 in our Roman Catholic Women Priests’ Movement in the world, including 100 in the U.S. living and serving in over 60 inclusive Catholic communities and welcoming all to receive the sacraments.

According to a recent CBS Gallup Poll, over 70% of Catholics in the U.S. support women priests. There is no shortage of vocations as women are now saying “Yes” to this call and are being ordained. Two women will be ordained priests and two will be ordained deacons in Falls Church, Virginia in June.



Monday, May 6, 2013

"Could Pope Francis Appoint Women Cardinals?" Yes, According to U.S. Catholic/ Now that would be a major change!
Bridget Mary's Response:
Well, women cardinals would certainly be an interesting way to reform the Vatican Curia and the institutional church. The plus is that women would be equals in the governance structure of the church. Right now cardinals are ordained, but historically this position was not limited to the ordained! There is a long list of qualified women that could fit this position including many nuns and women priests!  Cardinals could also be selected from the poor and marginalized peoples from around the world. Maybe, I'm dreaming...!Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,

Vatican Decision About LCWR Made Without Consulting Religious Life Prefect/ Power Play
Bridget Mary's Response:
The ball is in Pope Francis' court now. Hopefully, he will reverse course, apologize the LCWR, appoint some of its members as leaders in the Vatican Curia etc.
Bridget Mary Meehan, arcwp,

Church Approval or Not More Women Seeking Priesthood/Chicago CBS Story
Bridget Mary's Response:
Excellent interview with two women priests in Chicago area.  According to one statistic our international Roman Catholic Women Priests Movement has grown 33% since it began in 2002 with 7 women.
The exclusion of women from Holy Orders is not the tradition of the early church. Check out Romans 16:1-3 as one example. Deacon Phoebe.
During the first twelve hundred years of church's history, women were ordained deacons, priests and bishops. In 494 Pope Gelasius condemned that practice, but it was the church's practice, early tradition rooted in Jesus' example of Gospel equality. The Risen Christ appeared first to Mary of Magdala and called her to be the apostle to the apostles. The institutional church should follow Jesus example! Instead of weeping the Chicago Archdiocesan spokeswoman should be working on helping the bishops repent of the sin of sexism and clericalism in the church and turning the all-male boys club into a more open, Christ-centered, partnership model that ministers to all like Jesus did. Bridget Mary Meehan, ARCWP,

Eucharist and Vigil with Plowshares Activists and other Peace and Justice folks in Maryville, Tennessee./ May 5, 2013

Let us pray with and for the Plowshare Activists, Prophets in our Time ,who will be on trial for their witness for non-violence, justice and peace.  Mike Walli, Sr Megan Rice and Greg Boetje-Obed. (movie of supporters and vigil)
Washington Post article:

Below, photos of Eucharist with woman priest Janice Sevre-Duszynska, arcwp.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sequence for Pentecost: A Traditional Prayer Used by Church During Pentecost/ Sophia = Holy Wisdom

Come, Sophia Spirit come!
From your place within our hearts
Brighten us with light divine!
Come, Sophia, bless the poor!
Make our minds an open door!
Come, within our beings shine.
You, our comforter always;
You, are with us all our days;
Nurture, nourish us within;
In our struggles, bring us calm;
Bless us with your sacred balm;
Free us from our narrow bin.
O Light of power seeing all,
Be with us as we stand tall,
Fill us with your vision true!
Everywhere your Light shines bright,
We speak your Words day and night,
Revealing all that you do.

You, by our side as we walk,
You now our voice as we talk,
Proclaiming your love alone:
We listen with open ears,
Give us hope and wash our tears,

Heal us to our very bone
We your faithful do adore

Praise Sophia, evermore

Thus our hearts forever raise.

Seven gifts are what we seek

Send you gifts for us to keep.

We your faithful sing your praise

Amen. Alleluia.
Translated by Dorothy Shugrue, ARCWP,

(Sophia is the Greek word for Wisdom. Wisdom is always feminine and reflects the feminine presence of God in our midst. Read Books of Proverbs and Wisdom.)