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Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Homeless No More: Kris and Hootie Get A Home-Thanks Be To God! -

Kris and Hootie in their new home
Kris has been homeless for many years. When he could he worked temporary odd jobs and sustained a room in someone’s house. He was a good painter and helped paint the ministry house in 2008.  At that time he was caring for a beloved senior dog and spent most of his pay on dog food and Vet costs.  We would also assist him with this.  He was bereaved when his dog died in 2011.  After serious injuries he could no longer lift his arm to paint or to do most odd jobs. He lived on porches, or when possible, slept on someone’s floor. While sleeping on an open porch Kris met a small black kitten, one of the many feral cats surrounding this house. He shared his food with her and patiently and lovingly befriended her. He called her “Hootie” because she turned her head like an owl.
Kris has no medical coverage and it has been hard to document his disabilities so his case is currently with a lawyer. Our church member, Doctor Teresa Sievers,MD saw him pro bono as it is her offering to Christ, and gave him a complete physical with testing for range of motion, etc. It was clear that he is disabled and that was finally documented.  With no income housing is impossible except with HUD subsidized housing like Goodwill Industries Housing for the physically disabled. Kris had been on a list for one of their Units for over four years and had forgotten that he applied.
The miracle happened in March, his name finally was at the top of the GWI List.  He could not contain his joy when on Friday April 11th he moved into his first home, a wonderful townhouse that was handicapped accessible. One of our church members, Judy Alves supplied all of his furniture, a gift from her sainted mother who went home to God the same week. We supplied a bed and other household items.
Kris in front of his home

Hootie could not move right in, however, she had to be spayed and have her shots first.  On Friday April 18th our church member Linda Maybin taxied Hootie and Kris back and forth to Eastside Animal Hospital who helped us with a reduced rate. Kris could not wait for Hootie to join him in their home. His joy is complete as he describes her nestling in beside him and playing and even watching TV. This is a joy for both of them. “Now my buddy is here”, he said, adding “there is nothing like being loved” and “thank you, Good Shepherd Church and Pastors Judy and Judy”. We are delighted to house Kris and Hootie in a forever home.
Hootie and Kris and Hootie’s special corner in the background-Thanks be to God!
Ending homelessness in Fort Myers  one person at a time,
Pastor Judy Lee and Pastor Judy Beaumont,
Good Shepherd Ministries of Fort Myers, Florida
April 23,2014

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